More threads by Printedge

Mar 9, 2015
Reaction score
My company ranks well in most local search results for the various products we offer. However, we rank poorly in organic results for some of our most important categories. A search for "vehicle graphics" returns us #1 in Local Results, but we do not rank at all in organic. A search for "vehicle graphics Knoxville" has no local results, but puts us at #11 in organic (2nd page). An Image search for "vehicle graphics Knoxville" shows 28 of the first 66 images belonging to us. Why would we rank so well in the Local and Image searches, but so (relatively) poorly in organic? We are legitimately one of the top 2 or 3 companies for this service in our area, but organic results do not reflect this.
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Hi Printedge and welcome to the forum. :)

I moved your post to help and support which is where requests for help on a specific site should go.

Hopefully some of our members can give you some feedback or I'll try to get back to this post later today.
Oh no worries, happens all the time.

A link to your G+ L listing will make it easier for folks to help too so they don't have to go searching to find you but can click on it see it right away.
Hi Printedge,

I don't see anything glaringly wrong - but I'm half asleep right now and too tired to do a deep dive.

But it def sounds like an organic problem. The site could be more well optimized but again I don't see anything major. I did a couple quick back link checks and don't see obvious problems, but that's not my specialty. Someone else with better tools may find something.

Did you rank well organically at one point, then drop???
If so when? That could help us pinpoint if there is a penalty.
You could use some onsite improvements to help Google better understand what your about.

1. You could use some improvement on your URLS. I see that you are not adding dashes between words. This helps Google separate the words when looking at your site. Printedge : Printedge Info : Locations & Hours. You could do something like this: or just

2. Look over your Title Tags on the site. You have multiple pages with duplicate Title Tags.

3. Only 4 of the 117 pages have the keyword "vehicle graphics" in the title tag.
4. the products section has the word knoxville on every link. I think Google has a good understanding your in Knoxville, maybe ease up on that.

Hope this helps a little..
Thanks Justin! Help much appreciated.

The other on-site problem I noticed is HOME in your menu structure goes to
/index.html which is a duplicate of and that's not good.

Home links should only go to:

Your home page title tag and h1 could use work as well.

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