More threads by sixthcitysarah

Just got ours. Joy was right, one of our accounts spends $3k a month - and we got over $750.

For those who are still waiting, here is how you will know that a credit was applied:
1. You will receive an email like this:

2. You will also see the credit in Google Ads. Just open Tools & Settings > Promotions and right at the bottom is the credit info.
Looks like we received $100 on June 17th - only now saw it on the ads account. We haven't been consistent with ads on our agency account, so I'm surprised they included us on the credit list.

Thankfully the COVID19 hasn't affected our business in any way - if anything, we've been busier now than ever. I wonder how long I can leave the credit there and let it fall off. We really don't need it. Yes, it's free money, but we don't deserve it in our case.
Has anyone gotten them for their own agency? A handful of our clients (definitely not all) have gotten them but still waiting on a ton in the U.S.

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