More threads by dank402

Jun 8, 2016
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Does anyone know if there are there still regional leads that can be contacted, perhaps through the Local Guides forum?

It seems like many of the posts on the Local Guides forum asking for help with edits were being directed there in the past. Is there a new protocol for asking for help? Is asking for help with direct edits not allowed?

The real reason for all of this: I am encountering difficulty pushing a marker edit through for an unverified practitioner listing ( and was wondering if there was anything else I could do to correct the issue. I have asked a few fellow employees to do make the same edit with no luck. The address is correct but the marker is wrong, and still directs individuals looking for directions to the wrong location.

Obviously verification would be the best route to assume full control of the data, but we are not there yet with this client (if one doc gets verified, everyone wants to;))

Thanks for your time. (I miss MapMaker)
It seems like many of the posts on the Local Guides forum asking for help with edits were being directed there in the past. Is there a new protocol for asking for help? Is asking for help with direct edits not allowed?

"There" being the MapMaker forum.
I checked the listing and don't see a pending edit for the map marker. Did you get it pushed through? There is a pending edit to add the website to the listing which I approved.

To answer your question, Regional Leads don't exist anymore but if you have a strong editing profile, your trust level should increase. Mine is about the same even though I'm not a Regional Lead anymore. I still have about as many edits go through as did before.

I wrote a bit more about how you can moderate edits here: Moderation for Edits on Google Maps Finally Comes to Desktop - Sterling Sky Inc

If you aren't a Level 5 Local Guide you won't be able to access all the features.
The website link has been approved. But I still have outstanding edits "under review" for the marker placement which still directs users looking for directions to the old address. I submitted a new one today, but also tried last week too...

Screen Shot 2017-04-19 at 1.40.32 PM.jpg

Screen Shot 2017-04-19 at 1.40.47 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-04-19 at 1.40.32 PM.jpg
Very strange - I'm asking around because there is no pending edit whatsoever on desktop for me to approve either.

Can you show me a screenshot of where it should be? I'll try editing it myself.

Maps edits are reviewed exclusively by Google, either by algorithm or an employee. The algorithm can ask for other users' input to help it decide the next step, but will only do so when it deems necessary. There is no way to skip the queue, you will simply have to wait for your edit to be processed. Please don't add additional edits; all that is going to do is cause longer queues for everyone.
I am guessing something is off...but here is the actual physical location where the marker should be located...

Screen Shot 2017-04-19 at 2.35.35 PM.jpg

Screen Shot 2017-04-19 at 2.35.35 PM.jpg
Is this where you are trying to move the marker?

41.205558, -96.191108

If so, it is going for review because that is not within Omaha. If a Googler mistakenly approves it then there will be issues with it in the future.

Edit: I see you posted while I was composing my follow up. It is outside of Omaha, thus why it won't update no matter how many times it is attempted.

Maps edits are reviewed exclusively by Google, either by algorithm or an employee. The algorithm can ask for other users' input to help it decide the next step, but will only do so when it deems necessary. There is no way to skip the queue, you will simply have to wait for your edit to be processed. Please don't add additional edits; all that is going to do is cause longer queues for everyone.

Forgive me, but that seems almost counter intuitive...

Especially considering that 5+ unique people across my organization and the client in question here have all submitted the same edit over a week ago, and nothing has happened. So either my geographic region is being ignored by employees, or something is not working with the algo.
There was something seriously off with the address - it wasn't even close the to the real location so I submitted it as a move and it published. I think for marker moves it makes sense if it's slightly off. This one wasn't using the proper address at all.

Should be all fixed.

Too bad there is no "undo" option for edits on Maps or I'd tell you to undo yours.
Is this where you are trying to move the marker?

41.205558, -96.191108

Edit: I see you posted while I was composing my follow up. It is outside of Omaha, thus why it won't update no matter how many times it is attempted.

That is the actual physical location where I am attempting to move the marker, yes.

Now I am really confused...What city do you think it is? Here is a screenshot of a McDonald's on the same street and it says located in Omaha, NE...

Screen Shot 2017-04-19 at 2.49.09 PM.jpg

Screen Shot 2017-04-19 at 2.49.09 PM.jpg
G doesn't see that as Omaha. If you search on maps for Omaha NE, you'll see the shaded area that G sees as Omaha. Not sure why, but may help explain what is being mentioned here.

G Maps - Omaha NE
G doesn't see that as Omaha. If you search on maps for Omaha NE, you'll see the shaded area that G sees as Omaha. Not sure why, but may help explain what is being mentioned here.

G Maps - Omaha NE

This^^^ I immediately went and did the same search after catching Flash's comment. The city of Omaha has been aggressively annexing nearby suburbs and cities in recent years so perhaps the city boundary needs to be updated?

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