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Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
Happy to share a new tool that's both hot and cool
the Local Search Weather Report

Have you seen significant changes in your Google+ Local/Google Places/Google Maps/Places for Business (whatever you call it) rankings recently?

Ever wonder if there has been a local search algo update?

One of our members, Michael Borgelt from just let me in on his new free tool that can answer all of these questions with a quick glance! (Similar to but just for local keywords.)

The Local Search Weather Report measures the daily ranking change over 12,000 keywords (and growing).

Click for Live Local Search Weather Report
(This is just a small screenshot)


Remember you heard it here 1st!

Go check it out!

Thanks Michael for a free tool that's both hot and cool, depending on the weather at Google local. :)

What do you guys think???

Thanks Linda!

If anyone has questions please let me know!
Any thoughts on an embeddable widget?

I have a tab setup with various SEO and Local SEO RSS feeds and the Mozcast weather widget. It would be cool to have a second widget for just Local SEO weather to add to my SEO Dashboard.
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Do you have any documentation explaining where you are getting the temperatures?

How is it configured?
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