More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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Location3 Media recently did a great post about Google Business View. So I wanted to share.

<a href="">How Google 360 Virtual Business Tours Can Improve Your Organic Listings</a>
By Location3 Media

Virtual Tour photos not only greatly increase your visibility and click through rate (CTR) in Google’s local pack, giving you a competitive edge over other local businesses, but your organic listings could see benefits as well.

From an assist standpoint, a Google My Business (GMB) profile with a 360 Virtual Tour provides not only brand credibility while attracting new customers but allows for exciting visual engagement and discovery. A potential customer may tour your business space via your local GMB listing but then also recognize your brand’s organic listing and click into your business website. Local, organic and even sponsored channels all work in tandem with one another, improving visibility, brand trust, CTR, traffic and likely conversions.

Good stuff, so head over the read the rest above.

And for more great info about Business View...
Did you know we now have a whole new forum, just for Business View topics?

Also see: <a href="">Red Hat Local Search Optimization</a>

<a href="">DYNAMIC! Google Business View: Get your Creative Juices AND Traffic Flowing!</a>

What are your thoughts about Business View???
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Yes, there have been many folks paying attention to their bounce rates after placing a tour on their website. Now, the questions are where on our website should we place our tour and how do I keep them on the tour?

A few logical places depending on the flow of your site traffic...

About Page
Contact Us page

Some businesses asked me if they should make a brand new page with their tour. I say go for it. But make it worth while by putting more content on that page and not just the tour embed. Make it fun, make it interesting... out of the many examples I can give I've heard of the following working well:

Scavenger Hunt - Give your visitors a challenge in finding something and then giving a discount next time they go in.

Challenge examples:
What is our favorite football team?
Find the toy elf and tell us where it is on your next visit
Answer a list of trivia questions based on facts that you can read while on the tour

I hope this helps to get the creative juices flowing.
EXCELLENT points Louis. Thank you for sharing those.

Hope it helps get the creative juices flowing.

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