More threads by Marie Haynes

Marie Haynes

LocalU Faculty
Aug 7, 2012
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I entered a client's PIN about 4 days ago and am still waiting for our local listing to appear in the SERPS. When I try to view the listing it says, "We do not support the location".

I've heard some people say it can take a week. What has your experience been?
Good question Marie and I'd like to take a pulse and hear back from folks.

Google says up to a week, but I've seen some cases I think on the G forum where it took about 10 days. One of the consultants I'm doing consulting for just reported 6 days on a listing I was helping him with.

BUT also keep in mind sometimes the listing is really live and the do not support message is just a syncing issue with the dashboard link. So also search for phone in maps to see if it comes up.

What times frames are you guys seeing out there?
Very interesting...I can see the listing if I enter the phone number. (Well I can see the Google + Business listing but not the places listing - I'm still confused about that.)

But if I do a maps search for the business name it's nowhere to be found.
The norm I've experienced is 6-10 days as well. Last year I had one that was upwards of 3 weeks, but I'm still not certain it wasn't a case of a misplaced PIN postcard by the client.
Very interesting...I can see the listing if I enter the phone number. (Well I can see the Google + Business listing but not the places listing - I'm still confused about that.)

But if I do a maps search for the business name it's nowhere to be found.

Marie if you can find it via phone then it’s live. And if you do business name + city you may find it as well. But could take around 6 weeks before it's fully in the index and before it will show for KW searches.

I have a theory, so do us a favor if you would and watch for this.

You know the section at the botton "Similar Places" that shows competing businesses? Let me know when that section shows up.

On new listings that section does not show, which to me says the listing is not fully populated or working yet. (Likely no stats or KW rankings yet.)

My theory is once that section is added it indicates the listing is fully in the index and that 'should' be about when your stats start to show and the listing start to be visible in search.

One of my consultants I've been doing consulting for just confirmed this and said - "yep you are right, Similar Places showed up today and so did stats and now it's ranking" but one is not a test so I'd like to have a couple others confirm.

Since I'm not working on clients any more I can't test it. And even when I WAS working on clients they were all mature listings. Can barely remember the last time I had to set up a new listing from scratch.

Thanks Linda!

The "similar places" thing, does that show up on the bottom of the old places listing, or on the Google Places listing? When I click on "see your listing on Google" it takes me to a Google Places listing. The Google Places listing has only a tiny amount of the information I inputted (i.e. no photos or videos).

I'm going to delve into merging the two next.
"does that show up on the bottom of the old places listing, or on the Google Places listing?"

You said Places in both above. There is no old and new Places. There is only one Google Place page now and it's still called Google Places on the business owner side. But what shows live to the consumer is now called G+ Local. (confusing I know.)

But the answer is it shows up on the new LIVE display of the Google+ Local page.
Example bottom of page: Piecoras Pizza - About - Google+

"The Google Places listing has only a tiny amount of the information I inputted (i.e. no photos or videos)."

Videos are currently broken and don't work at all. Images are having about a 1 month delay before they show up.

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