More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
(Static image - click to go to the video)​

And here's Greg Gifford with another Tuesday Tip Video Clip I thought you'd all enjoy!

<a href="">Check Citations With Moz Local - Autorevo</a>

This week’s tip video walks you through using Moz Local, a free tool that checks your listings on 15 major citation sources. Watch and learn how to check your dealership’s listings, and see how the tool helps you fix incorrect or broken data...

As you get your inconsistent and duplicate information fixed, you’ll see your overall score improve in Moz Local. If you’re coming from a situation with a lot of citation problems, simply fixing the problems on these 15 sites could be enough to help your dealership jump up a few spots on local rankings...

That was just a snippet. HEAD OVER TO WATCH THE VIDEO!

Virtual high five Greg! ;) I'm a big fan of these videos!

If you guys like it - give Greg a big virtual high five too!
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Re: ▶ How To Check Citations With Moz Local - Tuesday Video Tip from Greg Gifford

Thanks for sharing it, Linda!
Re: ▶ How To Check Citations With Moz Local - Tuesday Video Tip from Greg Gifford

Haha. I love how the editor adds those sound effects whenever Greg does air quotes. :)
Re: ▶ How To Check Citations With Moz Local - Tuesday Video Tip from Greg Gifford

heh heh - glad you like the goofy effects... I really just put them in there to make myself laugh, it's a bonus when other people think it's funny too...
Re: ▶ How To Check Citations With Moz Local - Tuesday Video Tip from Greg Gifford

How do you deal with duplicate listings in like a Neustar and ExpressUpdate? I have a client who I submitted through Moz. They have duplicate listings from the old location.

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