More threads by David Deering

Nov 25, 2012
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I wanted to get some opinions on how all of you would handle a situation where a client wants to create a second Google+ page for a second location in a town they would like to rank for. Except they don't actually have a second location and intend to use a friend's residential address as their second location's address. Just wanted to see what you would say to a client who requested that and what you think is the best way to handle it. Thanks.
I would ask them to turn that story around and think about what if a competitor pulled that kind of dishonest business tactic on them?

Question #1: How would you feel if a competitor NOT really located in your main town where you are really located set up a fake location and barged in on your territory? Would that be fair?

Question #2: Would you report them to Google since you know they don't have a 'real' location in your town? So don't you think the legit businesses in that other town will report you?

Then I'd say something like: in my business I've learned that what goes around usually comes around and marketing with integrity usually wins out in the end, so I don't think we're a good match for each other. Best of luck!
Good point, Linda. Sometimes they need to put themselves in their competitors shoes, so to speak, to see their strategy objectively. Thanks for your response.
I look at this as very similar to clients asking us to post fake reviews. We won't do it, period. In cases where we've been pushed, we get rid of the client.
Definitely not, Jon. The way I see it and explain it to people, if a business is willing to lie for you, they're willing to lie to you. Honesty is always the best policy in this business.
Thanks, David. We even mention this during our sales presentations. Integrity is a 100% thing.

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