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Sep 4, 2016
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Just sharing experience. During the COVID limitations, we changed or added 12 locations/listings that were still showing “under review” or weren’t publishing properly.

I went back and re made and applied the changes to 6 of them. Those 6 all went live with the updates. The other 6 are still sitting and gathering dust. That’s enough evidence for me that I figured I’d share.

I’ll now go do the rest. But if you’re seeing issues like this, my advice is to re-enter and apply the changes to wake up Google.
I have been watching for phone number edits to go live daily for a client who has multiple locations and the only edit which was approved was one which a third party requested today and that triggered the original request to be approved. I was wondering myself if I should just resubmit the requests for the other locations. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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