More threads by Hampton

May 10, 2013
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I have been trying to get my business address correct on Google for over 2 months now. It has constantly been changing, but unfortunately it is never quite right.

A little background...

My brother owns a large office building that is separated into 3 store fronts. I moved into suite C a few months ago which has not been leased for over 8 years. His company takes up suite A and B. Since his company has been the only occupant in the building lately, they never even bother with the suite in the address.

Originally I spoke with someone with Places who said she could set up my address as:
(Street Address) Suite C
(City), (State)

Something went wrong and my address was showing up on maps as:
(Street Address) Suite C (Street Address)
(City), (State)

I asked to get it corrected and I guess it went through map maker because then it turned into:
Suite C
(Street Address)
(City), (State)

I e-mailed about putting the Suite C behind the address, but I never heard anything back.

I had a call from Google a few days ago confirming my address and category. I was excited that this might be the winner. Unfortunately, immediately afterward my address switched back to:
(Street Address)
(City), (State)

So right now my brother's business and my business are sharing the exact same address on Google maps. I still have it setup as (Street Address) Suite C in my places account, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

I'm almost at the point of giving up because it is driving me nuts. At this point I'm wondering what the implications would be of sharing the same business address without suite letter. My brother asked if I could help him with building local citations, but I don't know what to do until we figure out the address situation. Should I just keep including the suite in all my citations except for Google and build citations for my brother with just the address?

Sorry for the long post. I'm just starting to lose it over getting the correct address on Google. Thank you for the help.
Hi Hampton,

I would continue to build my citations with the suite#. The key is to be as consistent as possible.

I see this same situation happen quite often. Suite# in the places dash but does not show live on the G+ Local page. Have you checked the data providers to see if the suite# is listed there?

At the end of the day you just have to be consistent with your citations and keep an eye out that your page doesn't merge with your brothers. If it does, report it with the troubleshooter ASAP.

Thank you for the advice and easing my mind a little bit. It seems to be a problem for a lot of people I have talked to, especially when it comes to lettered suites. I'll keep building with the suite letter as I have been doing.

I'm not sure what you mean by checking the data providers. Would you mind clarifying? Thank you again for the help.
I'm not sure what you mean by checking the data providers. Would you mind clarifying? Thank you again for the help.

The big 3 data providers in the US are Localeze, InfoUsa, and ACXIOM. Ensuring that your NAP data is correct on them is crucial as they feed data to dozens of business directories as well as Google Places and Map Maker.

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