More threads by jross


Nov 25, 2020
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Anyone else having an issue where GMB repeatedly marks a listing as incomplete, in my case 85% complete, saying it needs a logo even though one has already been uploaded and is live?

Any insights / solutions would be greatly appreciated.



Je suis en France et j'ai le même message sur 4 de mes comptes GMB.

Je pense avoir lu quelque part sur Sterling Sky que le problème était connu de Google et que l'anomalie serait corrigée avant la fin de l'année.

Quelqu'un peut-il confirmer?
profil établissement.JPG



I am in France and I have the same message on 4 of my GMB accounts.

I think I read somewhere on Sterling Sky that the issue was known to Google and that the anomaly would be fixed before the end of the year.

Can anyone confirm?
Unfortunately, this issue is still occurring but there is no workaround at this time. Performance of your Business Profile or visibility of your logo are not affected and it's is purely an interface error. Google plans to have a resolution by the end of year.

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