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Got more info. Since no one else seems to have this problem and I have a theory, going to PM you the details.
Hi Linda,

I noticed something else funky with my clients local listings. I have posted it on the same G forum we were replying to before- Google Groups.

Thank you!!
Hi Rachel, I replied at the G forum. Please copy your answer to both places.
(There in case Jade or someone sees it. Here in case it helps other members.)

I replied:
Normally not being able to respond to reviews is a symptom of a listing that's claimed in more than one account. I know this listing had or still maybe has other issues, but do you think the owner or a previous marketing company could have claimed the listing in another account?
Hi Linda,

Thanks for responding so quickly! There used to be two accounts in the past-- one that we created for them and one they already had. However since then we have removed all listings from our account and now use their Google account. I do not think these listings are claimed in any other Google account. We have been having major issues with their account in general-- wondering if this is stemming from that...

I asked Jade if she'd take another look at backend including checking to see if it's maybe claimed in another account somewhere.
Thank you Linda, I appreciate it! I have a feeling there is a problem with the account in general. It seems like the claimed listings in the Dashboard aren't being associated with what is live anymore.

I thought about starting over by deleting the listings in my client's account and reclaiming them all over again, but was worried about the listings losing their rankings...

Hopefully Jade can find a better answer (fingers crossed)!

Thank you!
Word to the wise. Rachel and I were talking via PM and it turns out she found out the client HAD also claimed all these in another account.

Once she logged into that one she could respond to reviews. I'm thinking having this other account full of listings is what broke the original listing she posted about.
Jade confirmed there are MULTIPLE owners of this account. Not just one but several who have been making recent edits. She can't give me the email addresses of the other accounts so you'll just need to keep pushing owner/employees to see who may have created them. But sounds like that's the problem.
There are too many cooks in the kitchen! Do you think in the future Google will only allow one owner per listing? Seems silly it is possible for there to be more than one. And as we know, it definitely creates complications for the "owners." In the end, the information displaying live is what is hurt. You would think Google would want this to be accurate...
Ya Google allowing multiple owners creates all kinds of problems.

Hope at least knowing that was the problem helps you out!

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