More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
Reaction score
This is NUTS. I've seen this several times in the last few weeks.

People are noticing that several businesses with completely different addresses are all now showing up pinned at the same location.

I think there is a good chance this is intentional. Why? Because Google filters out businesses at the same location. So if you want your competitors to disappear, just move their pins to the same location, and they will vanish on Google.

I'm gonna send this to Google, but, in the meantime, be on the lookout for the businesses you work for/with.

Google is working on it. If you want me to add your example to the ongoing case, DM me the details.
Google is working on it. If you want me to add your example to the ongoing case, DM me the details.

Hi Joy,

We are having this exact issue. I tried to DM you but it would not send due to a spam error.

There is our maps listing which is supposed to be in Chicago but is currently next to the Miller Brewery in Milwaukee Wisconsin.

Our Listing
Robert's Garage Door Professionals

Four Seasons Garage Doors
Four Seasons Garage Doors

BDK Door Company
BDK Door Company

Precision Garage Door Chicago
Precision Garage Door Chicago

Those are listings in our area currently being attacked by review spam attacks.

I will try to reach out again soon if you can include my information in your ongoing case I would really appreciate it. Our google profiles have been being attacked by scammers for several years at this point.

Thank you,


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