More threads by j_holtslander


Feb 5, 2019
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I tried creating a place through the Google Maps app for a business that I'm not an owner or representative of, using known, verifiable, public information. (Name, address, phone, and located within.) Within seconds of the submission Google had disapproved the addition. (Screenshot attached)

Anyone know why this might be? Would this be an indicator that the place existed on Maps once before but was removed? And this is some kind of re-add prevention?

@j_holtslander, I've never run into problems when adding a place to the map publicly (not that I do it often), so I don't know off-hand.

1. Are there other nearby locations of the same business?

2. Did you check before and/or after to see whether that location of the business was already listed? (I know you asked "Would this be an indicator that the place existed on Maps once before but was removed?" The "Still in business" part of the edit history makes me suspect the same thing.)

3. What happens if you try not including some of the business's info (so that it's a partial submission), or adding a different business, or editing in a different Google account?
Without the phone number this time it sat as “Pending” for a few minutes before changing to “Not applied”
Interesting. Point #3 contained a few different things to try, in the way of troubleshooting. Though perhaps you've tried them already.
3. (Cont.) Different business (or other maps functions) No problem.
Different Google account, same result.

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