More threads by Margaret Ornsby

Margaret Ornsby

Local Search Expert
Jul 22, 2013
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Haven't seen one of these before... is this a new thing in the migration process?

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Thanks Margaret, was just getting ready to start another thread because I've been helping a few folks elsewhere, that are concerned with that email warning.

1st I saw a post by Tony McGreath on Google+:

"Last week I noticed a warning on all my Places entries saying I had to review them, or they may go. Today I got this email confirming their intentions.

Places is doing a clean-up."

He posted a screenshot of the email, like yours above. The wording seemed off to me and I wondered if this was even from Google at 1st but he confirmed it was a Google link and email address.

So next I checked the Google forum and reports were starting to come in there too, asking if the email was for real or a scam.

Here are the posts so far: (All his clients have the warning or you'll be deleted message.) (I'm calling this the main thread since it was the 1st one, hopefully Google will update in that thread tomorrow if needed.)

I think maybe they are just attempting to clean up dormant or outdated listings.

I escalated to Google management, so they could check it out in the AM, but already talked to someone briefly and got confirmation that these emails are legit.

There is nothing to worry about and there is nothing wrong with your listings. You can just follow the instructions in the email and that will confirm to Google your listings are accurate and active. I may have more info to share tomorrow, but for now don't worry.

FYI from what I can see this is only happening with Australian listings at this time.

Will keep you posted if there is anything new tomorrow.
Email from Google re deleting Places listings? WTF?

Howdy, long time lurker first time poster - anyone get this email attached today?

Seems like a seriously dick move on Google's part and a lot of wasted time and effort especially as the listings are verified....there's not even a reason why, just a "do this or we delete your stuff"


About time they cleaned up a whole lot of those old listings here in Oz. Deeeelighted! That can only mean good things for my clients :p

Thanks Linda!
Re: Email from Google re deleting Places listings? WTF?

Howdy, long time lurker first time poster - anyone get this email attached today?

Seems like a seriously dick move on Google's part and a lot of wasted time and effort especially as the listings are verified....there's not even a reason why, just a "do this or we delete your stuff"

Hi Brenden, welcome and thanks for posting.

I've been helping folks with this issue here and at the Google forum. Please see my reply in this thread.

Is this new? Google May Delete Your Places Listing?

BUT I had not seen that subject line on the other screenshots.

"Action Required: You have 3 weeks to save your Google Places Listing."



I'm going to merge your post into that one so we keep everything in one place. I've alerted Google to this issue and don't want them to miss any feedback/concerns, so best if I combine threads.
Thanks Linda - sorry didn't see the existing thread.

Bit of a nightmare move on behalf on Google's part..going to take a stab and guess this is to cleanup a dbase mess left from their integration with yellowpages in the past. Have always had dupe and NAP consistency issues due to Google's integration with yellowpages in clean up dupes then 6 weeks later because the yellowpages directory is a disaster, the dupes with incorrect NAP and details get recreated
No worries about the other thread Brendan. Too many here to keep track of. :)

Treebles, one of the other Google TC's just emailed me that he thought maybe the same thing. I don't deal with international so wasn't aware, but it makes sense.

Some consultants like Margaret above and others are happy and think this is a good move because it will clear some of old dormant or bad scraped listings out.
So I guess I need to login into all my Places listings and check for these?
Robin, only if you have clients in Australia.

But yes for those that do have Assie clients you need to log in and check.

Tony said ALL his clients had the warning in the dashboard, but only one of them got the email warning.

Here is a post I just found that Tony did several days ago about the warning banner in dash on all his clients. But he only got email for one client.
Seems that the powered by Sensis/Yellowpages stuff has disppeared from Maps and Places so really hoping this is google cleaning up that shitty integration.....its created so many headaches over the years will be happy to be rid of it

More on the poor integration: Is Google’s Australian Data Partner Spamming Places for $11 a Listing? | Understanding Google Places & Local Search

Interesting that Bing Places has recently been made available in Australia too and previously all data there came from Yellowpages...maybe sensis started asking for too much $$$ to scrape their listings
Was wondering if this might be good news for whitespark (Darren) given that he has commented on issues with the Canada YP supplier too. Don't see any mention of Canadian yellow pages on my maps...
Google just made their 1st public comment about the issue. I just got the head's up about it from Jade.

Here is the post at the Google and your Business forum - by Jade.

"We are making some changes to Google Places for Business and Google Maps so we can continue providing people with the best experience when they?re looking for local businesses. As part of this process, we?re asking business owners to review and confirm some of the information in their Google Places accounts so we can keep showing it to Google users. We know this will be a few extra steps for merchants, and we apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your time.

We have sent business owners affected by these changes an email entitled ?Action Required: You have 3 weeks to save your Google Places Listing?.

If you did receive this email, don?t worry. Please log into Places for Business, take a look at your business information, update it if necessary, and click ?Submit.? You?ll need to do this for all listings in your account by February 21, 2014, so they can stay on Google Maps. Otherwise, you?ll need to add your business information and undergo PIN verification using Google Places again.

If you have any trouble going through the above steps or need assistance updating your business information, please send us an email, and we?ll gladly assist you.

Thanks again for your time.

Jade Wang, Google Business Community Manager"

We have sent business owners affected by these changes an email entitled ?Action Required: You have 3 weeks to save your Google Places Listing?.

Any indication yet as to who all truly is affected? We were wondering if it was those who still have listings in the old Places dashboard. Or did Google pick a date where any listings that haven't been touched since then are being removed?
Hi Kerry, so far the only listings affected are in Australia.

But again I don't think everyone is getting an email so if you have Aussie customers should log in and check for the red warning banner. Actually as long and you are taking time to log in, I would go a head double check everything and hit submit. (Kinda like the old pokes we used to be advised to do.)
Good spot Brendan - hadn't noticed the YP credits gone. Happy dance...
Happy dance gone. New maps shows "business listings supplied by Yellow Pages". :_(
I just checked my places listing and there is no warning to update info.
So i have nothing to worry about?
Happy dance gone. New maps shows "business listings supplied by Yellow Pages". :_(


I just checked my places listing and there is no warning to update info.
So i have nothing to worry about?

It's only for Australia. I don't remember where you are from. The forum location just says earth? But yes if no warning or email then this issue does not affect you.
I've had them cropping up sporadically across client's accounts, so the messages are still going out. If Bishop is in AU, then he may yet get one. Hard to say.
The accounts I am seeing them pop up in so far, are the ones where there is or has been a data issue (merged, multiple listings, etc). I think this is G trying to get AU up to scratch data wise. Much needed.:)

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