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Jul 20, 2012
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Hi all,

when Google+ Local first started, we noticed that there were some issues with photos that were previously uploaded on the Places dashboard and we decided to wait and hope that they would be resolved soon. However, it seems, that new bugs and problems come and go as time passes.. I'd like to know, if any of you could confirm the following:

1) If you have uploaded albums on your business page, they wouldn't appear on your local page once they're merged (?)

2) Only pictures that were uploaded via Places Dashboard are showing on Google+ Local profile. However, Google seems to decide how many and which ones(?)

3) Albums can only be uploaded on business pages, not on local pages(?)

4) Also, have you noticed this?: When I'm logged into my G+, open a Local Business Site and click on "Photos" I sometimes receive a message saying "We were unable to fetch any photos this time. Please try again later" Once I refresh the site, the pictures appear..

Very much appreciate your experiences :)

Best regards from Berlin, Germany

Hi Svenja,

Images are problematic and slow. New images are taking sometimes over a month on Places. Sounds like some of your questions though are about G+ pages? Are these merged pages you are talking about? Because listings are are G+ merged with G+ Local are pretty buggy which is why most say hold off merging for now.

Today at the G forum I just saw Jade from Google recommend again that if you want to get images on a G+ Local page, best to upload directly to the page as a user since image uploads to the dashboard are a problem.
Hi Linda

Thanks for your quick reply. My questions regarded both, local profiles and business pages. I was wondering if there is a difference in dispaly of the pictures, because I haven't found a local profile where I can see an album (only single photos) but I found lots of business pages with albums. (I'm not sure if I'm making sense here)

Uploading directly to the G+ account instead of dahsboard doesn't seem to be working well. One of our clients has uploaded a few photos directly to his G+Local profile but not all of them are showing, even though the settings are on public. He's also got pictures on the Places dashboard but it's the same here, not all of them are showing.

Maybe we just have to accept that it's in Google's hands, which photos are showing...

Thx again, for your help :)

Today at the G forum I just saw Jade from Google recommend again that if you want to get images on a G+ Local page, best to upload directly to the page as a user since image uploads to the dashboard are a problem.

This is a great workaround. The only issue or consideration is that the guidelines for these types of pics differ slightly from pics uploaded directly to the dash. If I remember correctly, this is the case.
Hi Colan

The only issue we had with one of our clients was, that even the pictures he uploaded directly to his G+ Local page wouldn't show up. Especially his albums, which he was primarily annoyed about.

However, I have to admit, that we didn't delete the pics from the dashboard.. Maybe the two sort of work against each other??

Best, Svenja
However, I have to admit, that we didn't delete the pics from the dashboard.. Maybe the two sort of work against each other??

Important to note after you merge you are not supposed to do ANY editing in the Places dash, so I would not delete images there.

Images are just buggy. Not sure there is much we can do but cross fingers it gets better.
Good we didn't delete the pictures ;-)

Thanks again, for all your help ;)

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