I know this is an old(ish) thread, but it has some good insight and it's on topic with regards to something I have been milling over in my head. So, instead of starting a new thread, I hope it's okay to tag on to this one 
I have clients who rank nationally for well written articles and because they are a local service area businesses (the only work within a certain area), they have never (to my knowledge via analytic data) gotten a single customer from these articles. They get plenty of traffic, but when I narrow it down to regional visits, only a tiny portion would even be able to use their services.
Now, I totally understand the benefits of writing something resourceful to get links and that's not the issue I am struggling with here. I am trying to make sense of the value in blogging on topics that may be completely related to services they provide, but not geographically unique to reach out to the long tail and/or in cities they service, but don't reside in.
I am wondering if people here have seen that maybe other local signals from the site help a site rank for city + service related searches or if in fact we have to title the blog post, service name in location to get any local traction.
I see people blogging all the time with topics like "3 signs your air conditioner is leaking" for a local HVAC tech without mention of a locale. If that even were to rank, in my experience it wouldn't rank mostly for anything geographically relevant to the client.
It seems to me, that while getting tons of traffic looks great on paper and the client might think it's a win, when they realize it's not worth much due to it being out of their locale it's not really worth the effort. But, maybe I am wrong?
I have clients who rank nationally for well written articles and because they are a local service area businesses (the only work within a certain area), they have never (to my knowledge via analytic data) gotten a single customer from these articles. They get plenty of traffic, but when I narrow it down to regional visits, only a tiny portion would even be able to use their services.
Now, I totally understand the benefits of writing something resourceful to get links and that's not the issue I am struggling with here. I am trying to make sense of the value in blogging on topics that may be completely related to services they provide, but not geographically unique to reach out to the long tail and/or in cities they service, but don't reside in.
I am wondering if people here have seen that maybe other local signals from the site help a site rank for city + service related searches or if in fact we have to title the blog post, service name in location to get any local traction.
I see people blogging all the time with topics like "3 signs your air conditioner is leaking" for a local HVAC tech without mention of a locale. If that even were to rank, in my experience it wouldn't rank mostly for anything geographically relevant to the client.
It seems to me, that while getting tons of traffic looks great on paper and the client might think it's a win, when they realize it's not worth much due to it being out of their locale it's not really worth the effort. But, maybe I am wrong?