More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
Phil Rozek did a great presentation for the MN Search group. So I wanted to share.

He covered 25 quick wins for attracting more local customers when you don’t know what to do next.

Hauling in More Local Customers...Even When Your Wheels Are Spinning

<iframe src="//" width="425" height="355" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="//" title="Hauling in More Local Customers…Even When Your Wheels Are Spinning" target="_blank">Hauling in More Local Customers…Even When Your Wheels Are Spinning</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="//" target="_blank">Phil Rozek</a></strong> </div>​

Here's a link to his blog, so you can read comments.

<a href="">Hauling in More Local Customers...Even When Your Wheels Are Spinning</a>

Some of my suggestions are for local rankings, some for PPC, some for review strategy, and more.

Great stuff Phil. Wish we could hear your words along with the slides!

What do you think???

Any questions or other tips to share?

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Re: Local Search Consultants: Stop Spinning Your Wheels & Get More Customers by Phil

Thanks, Linda!

Here's the video:

FYI, the sound is kinda muffled, but you still get my Morgan Freeman-esque narration.
Re: Local Search Consultants: Stop Spinning Your Wheels & Get More Customers by Phil

Oh so cool!

"Wish we could hear your words along with the slides!"

That was wishful thinking - didn't think there would actually be a video.

Can't wait to watch!
Re: Local Search Consultants: Stop Spinning Your Wheels & Get More Customers by Phil

Great presentation Phil!
Re: Local Search Consultants: Stop Spinning Your Wheels & Get More Customers by Phil

Just watched the video - great job!
Re: Local Search Consultants: Stop Spinning Your Wheels & Get More Customers by Phil

Trying to understand the situation i am in, So I know this company which charges 50.00 dollars to bring your business inside the local pack. and someone that i know is already been advertising with them, they gave him a google plus account and a fake address ans now he is number 2 for a specific keyword. Is this really true?

Will he be there ranking No 2. I really looked at the provider reviews and they have some nasty reviews. So just want to know what will happen and why they get rank so high in local pack? Even i checked the companies citations by phone number and most do not exist or have wrong phone number and address.
Re: Local Search Consultants: Stop Spinning Your Wheels & Get More Customers by Phil

Mike this thread is about Phil's presentation.

Please start a new thread with this question so it does not take this thread off track.

Re: Local Search Consultants: Stop Spinning Your Wheels & Get More Customers by Phil

Loved the tips, especially about the Meetup sponsors. Does this always have to be money? I'm thinking about offering services and also getting reviews in exchange (in addition to the sponsor link that is)

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