More threads by Linda Buquet

We can start one any time. :) You first! :p

EDITED TO ADD - Oops broke this thread. Post is stretched. Sidebar is Fubar.
David can hopefully fix in the AM.

It was actually the quote in post #38 which caused the problem: The quote contains an embedded code statement which contained extra spaces... I expect this is a bug in the forum software.
Things are getting confusing in here with so many different sites. Can you create a category on this topic and then we can post individual threads on each business. That way we can have a running discussion on each one.
I was just thinking the same. When you said "this guy" wasn't sure which one you meant.

I think initially the way I did it was good, just to see if there would be enough interest and interaction. But you are right, now there are too many and it's getting too long and confusing.

But I'm not sure a separate forum just for this is the way to go. For example I have the separate section for G+ and local SEO news and hardly anyone reads those posts and they never comment there. So let me chew on it over the weekend.

But ya, we'll do something different/better.
Open to ideas...
So these 9 things listed you think contribute to the zipcode ownership? My understanding of the algo is different in the proximity matter.
Well, good for them. Ok, here's what I noticed:
  1. They have a 30/30 rating
  2. They responded to each and every review
  3. they have 3 Google Offers
  4. Their site is pretty well optimized
  5. Their name has some keywords in it
  6. Only 9 inbound links
  7. 42 shares
  8. 62 tweets
  9. I love their social media! And maybe, just maybe Google does too.

So Mr. S.A., I don't think they are gaming the system.

I tell my customers to chase customers not rank. This company appears to be doing that. They are not trying to trick Google. They are doing what Google wants. In fact, they appear to be doing everything right when it comes to providing good service (look at their review and their attention and promos in Twitter and Facebook). Do you think Google finally got it right?

Linda, I'd love to see a thread started where we can post examples like this, i.e., real good businesses, apparently doing it right, actively involved in social media for what appears to be the right reason, and then ranking high. Are there others like this? Is this a trend? This is actually what I've been predicting and waiting for. Are we finally there?
As of the 19th last month a massive change was seen that I can only attribute to gaming the system.

From the taking of every single zipcode to the ability to out do even Google's own proximity search. please tell me why and if its legal. is the company in question please search roadside assistance 78201 thru 78261 and tell me what you see is off. Also do a mobile search for the same noticing that they outrank even companies that are closer in proximity.

So these 9 things listed you think contribute to the zipcode ownership? My understanding of the algo is different in the proximity matter.

Sorry mr S.A. but I never really understood your post to begin with.

There is no longer really a proximity filter in the blended algo. That business is in San Antonio and all those zips are in the same city. With the current algo if you are well optimized you'll rank in the city you are in period. (Maybe you are thinking about the old pack algo which had a little more to do with proximity but that was more about prox to city center, not to zip and that algo does not show up much any more and never for core keywords.)

It does not really go by proximity to zip code, so not sure where you are getting that. PLUS I don't think consumers search by zip that often anyway.

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