More threads by Mike Pedersen

Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
I was researching Manhattan dentist and came across this website:
Dentist Manhattan NYC,Dentist Wall Street NY,Dentist Downtown NY,Dentist new york,Dentist New York city,Dentist nyc

Ranked high in maps and organic.

But look at the spammy links pointing to the same page in their footer. See attached image.

Look at their homepage title even. Geesh!

How can they be ranking so high?

Screen Shot 2015-06-23 at 1.01.20 PM.jpg
As manipulative as some of their tactics are they are doing a lot of things right. Site structure looks neat except those links in the bottom (but they redirect anyway). Their use of internal link text is likely also helping them. The Google+ ratings look legit for the most part and there are a lot of good ones. They also have a ton of video around their site which I am noticing is becoming a bigger asset in local. This is one of those cases of walking the line that sometimes slips under the radar. I would definitely take a close look at them because they are employing some good strategy.
I find it interesting that they're using page IDs instead of a cleaner URL-slug in their internal hyper-links.

Going to have to dig into this one more.

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