More threads by mikeb1073

Aug 27, 2014
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I have a client who has a tile cleaning service. He is expanding in California. I got a virtual office for his second location, Google my business listing/page and started building citations.

I am now hearing that having a virtual office is not best practices. I s this okay?

How else would you go about getting listed in another city when we can operate remotely?

Also, when building citations to the 2nd location, should I link to the main page or the city specific page Ex or

Thank You

Hi Mike,

I think you asked on the webinar just about how to set up new location. I took the Q as how do you set up a 2nd page in GMB, so I said post in 101.

But now that you explain more I see this should really go in our service area business forum so I'll move it there.

Unfortunately a 2nd location is not allowed for him on 2 counts.

1) You are right and virtual offices are not allowed in a case like this.

2) Even a real office is not allowed for a service area business. The guidelines prohibit service area businesses from setting up multiple locations just to rank in other cities.

So his only choice for ranking in those other cities is to try to rank in pure organic, which is a little harder these days because typically even the organic will be taken up by businesses that are actually located in that city.
Thank you for your help. That still leaves me in the dark. I'm sure this is a very common situation. What is the plan of action.

We want to open an office in Los Angeles, it is 380 miles from here. Are you telling me we can't use an address? I might as well be in a different state....

What is the url to the thread that you moved to?

Thank You
Hi Mike, this is the thread. I already moved it.

The guidelines are short and vague but say:

"Businesses that operate in a service area should create one page for the central office or location and designate service areas."

But what that means is it's a violation to create more than one. Now if you had a store or walk in office that's staffed full time, like a Dentist's office, you could def have more than one location.

Like I said the only thing you can do that's within the guidelines is to have one listing and then optimize the other location just on your site to try to rank in organic.
This is such a common issue - that it makes me wonder why Google has not resolved this with a credible solution - that also eliminates out-right spam (i.e. the businesses that want to expand to new markets but aren't really servicing them)

Generally speaking - Users are't looking for a plumber that is "PHYSICALLY LOCATED" in Phoenix when they search "Phoenix Plumbers" - they are searching for a plumber that "SERVICES" Phoenix. Duh - right?
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In keeping with Linda's recommendations, you could:
  • create a Sacramento page on the website (this is the new target area I think?)
  • on this page you might showcase the staff, have testimonials, show completed work from there, talk about community involvement and contributions.

You can't fake it - your client really should be involved in the community in order to do business there.

There are various "templates" floating around the web (I am thinking maybe Mike Blumenthal but not sure) that have suggestions on what you could put on your website to show geographic association...

Keep us posted!


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