More threads by shondarogers

Aug 8, 2012
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I recently discovered that when logged in to my google account i could go to google places for business and get a complete list of my clients and view their dashboards. For one client in particular, however, when i am logged into his account and go to google places for business it does not show his listing in the new dash - the new dash is not available. it takes me to a page to create one. I'm wondering if anyone knows why that might happen.
I recently discovered that when logged in to my google account i could go to google places for business and get a complete list of my clients and view their dashboards.

Are you saying that you have a Google Places account with all of your clients in it?

---------- Post Merged at 05:49 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 05:48 PM ----------

For one client in particular, however, when i am logged into his account and go to google places for business it does not show his listing in the new dash - the new dash is not available. it takes me to a page to create one. I'm wondering if anyone knows why that might happen.

And this client is in the same account as above, or a different account?
Yes, I'm not following that at all Shonda.

I wonder about the same thing Colan asked but I'm sure you know better than to have all your clients in your account. So what do you mean?

Plus you said: "it does not show his listing in the new dash - the new dash is not available"

When you log into a clients account you either get the old or new dash whatever dash they have so that sentence above does not quite make sense to me either.
Screengrabs of the dash and what you are seeing would be super helpful, if you are comfortable.
I have not created the places accounts in my account or in one account but recently google added a feature to "add account" as you are logging into different client accounts. I have added client accounts as i log in so i now just choose the account i want to login to and only enter the password - it has saved the other login information. I didn't really realize this would provide a dashboard until the other day when i was just poking around and, while logged in under my google account, i googled "google places for business" and it gave me a complete list of all my client accounts' places listings in the new dash. Shows which are verified or not and you can view dashboard. If you've ever had a client with multiple listings in their old dash you would get a complete list of all their places listings. I hope that helps.
Maybe this is what you are experiencing.

If you are a manager of their Google+ page you will see the associated places listing in places. I believe this was causing an ranking issue with one of my clients so I removed myself as a manager of their Google+ page and now I no loner see the listing when I log into places.

To make the matter more complicated my client had the old places dash. So if I logged into my account which had the new dash I could see the listing in the new dash because I was a manger of the Google+ page. But my clients account always showed the old places dash.
Shonda you replied to this thread via email by mistake, so no one can see your reply but me. :eek:

Please reply here in the forum.

Jamie - sounds like the same situation. Did removing yourself as manager help with ranking? I guess it is just a glitch...

Colin - i would love to do a screen shot but for some reason when i try that the image size always exceeds my limit to post here - not sure what i'm doing wrong/
Jamie - i'm curious...have you found an easy way to navigate around a client account once logged in since the layout was changed. For instance, you used to be able to go to "my account" and then on the left"products" and then you'd get an option to go to analytics, adwords, webmaster tools etc. I can't do that anymore once logged in - have to google "adwords" and "webmaster tools" to get where i need to go. There is an updated list of services that i am aware of but in my opinion is not as user friendly and doesn't include all the same options.
Hi Shondarogers, I never used those links before because I always had everything in my bookmarks or just typed in the complete URL. I would guess most of the menu changes have been to the betterment of your average user without concern for us technorati.

Also removing yourself from being a manager of a Google+ page does not effect your access to Google Analytics or Webmaster tools. I still see all on my clients there. For those two specifically I always add my account as a user.

However I never added myself as a user for Places as that was not best practice and only recently noticed that it had a similar effect of when adding myself as a manager to Google+ page so I remove that access this weekend hoping it will help with some ranking issues we are having.

My client is in an extremely competitive market, real estate, in a very populaces area, Irvine, California. The last two month we have been beating all but 2 of the blended pack organically for their primary keyword but we are still 150ish (page 15) on the map search. Hopefully this will be the key to getting the map results up and getting them into the blended results.

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