More threads by MichaelW

Feb 23, 2015
Reaction score

The website performs pretty poorly in GMB listings.

I've found about 20 or so local business directories that display the old business address.

I presume this is a major reason for the poor showing in the results.

What's the best way to go about addressing the issue, is it contacting the business directories and asking them to update to the new address?

And in practice how hard is this to do? are the directories generally responsive?

It really depends on the directory/citation. Some are easy to clean up... others are nearly impossible to get updated (with out paying something).

It is likely that some of them aren't worth the time investment... do you have a list of the citations? We could help you figure out which ones need to be addressed and which you can likely ignore.

EDITED BY LINDA: A mod tried to move the post but some posts got merged by accident.
The below comment I believe was from MichaelW but ended up inside heckler's thread.

Here's a number of them
Last edited by a moderator:
That may be one of the reason your website performs poorly on local results. However, you'll also need to check the other areas (is the meta data optimized properly? do you have a well-written content, use of schema, interlinking of webpages?). Check your GMB page, Citations, Backlinks, Social Media Signals and etc.

Regarding your citations: if you've found some incorrect citations, you can start manually cleaning them, simply by mailing them. Hunt down the best way to contact them and mail mail mail. Assuming you don't have logins that is. The problem is that some directories take forever to update your profile. Usually, when we do cleanup for our client we only get around 70% of total citation cleaned. This is accomplished by pestering them over and over again...sometimes as many as 4-5 times.
Jvaquino, I suspect it probably is the reason, as the site does poorly in comparison to how it does in the organic searches.

Recently I was able to remove a knowledge panel listing that showed an listing for permanently closed that applied to the old address but still showed for a brand search on the company name.

Thanks for your info very interesting. I just wanted to set realistic goals on how much work it would take and what % I could clear up.

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