More threads by Cori Shirk

Oct 17, 2013
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Hi all- I noticed this for the first time today:


All of those are links to different Google+ Local pages. When you click through to them, the "parent post" (for lack of a better term...) is linked in the contact info:


Has anyone seen this before, and does anyone have an idea where this data is coming from? I'm curious if there's any way to help inform this, or if it's just happening naturally. Either way, it's awesome to see Google finally organizing department information in a logical way :) Thanks in advance for your insight!


Hi Cori, thanks for posting. I think it's been around for awhile with larger institutions but seems to be rolling out more broadly now.

I think Mike asked Google about it this week for a Real Estate office that had links like that to all the individual agent listings.
Okay, thanks. I'd seen something similar in Maps, but I'd never noticed it on Google+ Local before.

Mike might be able to answer this if he's asked about it recently, but from what you can tell, is Google just figuring out these relationships naturally, or is there a way to link these + pages together manually?
I believe it's all algo based. So if NAP lines up right I would assume it would trigger it?

I'm getting ready for a big conference call with all my Local Search Pro training clients, so no time to research and I didn't follow that email thread with Google. This weekend I'll go back through it and see if there is anything I can share.

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