More threads by Laustin1878

Sep 27, 2012
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I have always worked with Google Places instead of Google + Local or Google Business. I was recently asked if starting fresh, should they use Google + Local or Google Places? I know there were merge issues several months back but it seems to have calmed down.

Starting completely fresh, is it safe to say that a Google + Local account should be created (instead of Google Places) if there is no claimed listing or no listing at all for the business on Google? I'm not sure what their plans our in terms of social media and using Google + which is why I'm not sure how to advise them to proceed.
If they aren't big on or ready to do social yet I'd start in Places.

Even if they think they want to do social, if it were me I'd still start in the Places dash and then maybe wait a bit to merge/upgrade to +. Let's face it, if they have not done G+ already then it's likely not a priority for them. I'd just focus on getting them ranking.
Thank you Linda. That is what I was thinking but wanted to make sure. I've never come across a company that had no listing what-so-ever. This may actually be easy...hahaha imagine that.
Thank you Linda. That is what I was thinking but wanted to make sure. I've never come across a company that had no listing what-so-ever. This may actually be easy...hahaha imagine that.

Have they been around more than a month? You've searched every which way?

Easy Luke? Haha! ;)
The business has been and they just signed up with That is the only reference I have seen other then their website. I've searched their name a few different ways, address, phone number, etc. I plan to do a little more research before I get going.

Am I missing any obvious ways to try to find if their is a listing?

Com'on, you couldn't sense the sarcasm in my response?? I thought "imagine that" articulated that perfectly...haha
Com'on, you couldn't sense the sarcasm in my response?? I thought "imagine that" articulated that perfectly...haha

Ya I got the sarcasm, just had to repeat the easy...haha. :)

I just found a dupe for a pro in the private forum I don't think he was aware of. Searched primary category plus root address + city.Sometimes just searching via address won't find anything but cat + address will.

By root I mean 5454 broadway and leave off street or st or ave or whatever due to different spellings, plus leave out suite if there is one. Then even if there is a listing out there for "scraped weird name + "bad phone" you can still flush it out.
Thank you for the additional feedback. So far, we are looking good other than a few listings from yellowpage and affiliated type sites.

I believe the business has been around since late 2012. They just launched a website and operate under a PO Box which is why they may not be visible. They do have an actual business address thankfully.

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