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Jan 5, 2022
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I work with a client that has multiple locations and verified Google Business Profiles for each location. They opened up another location that follows Google's guidelines and was initially verified without having to do a postcard or even email or phone verification which I have not seen before. A few weeks later I updated the link from the homepage of the site to a page that has information for that specific location and Google suspended it.

I've submitted for reinstatement twice and submitted business insurance and the lease agreement that details all the information of this location? Is there any way to escalate this to an actual person with GBP support, or do I have to keep resubmitting for reinstatement?

This is the message I keep getting so it seems nobody is taking a look at the information I'm providing to prove we exist there. Any help here is appreciated.

Do not submit another reinstatement. Doing more than one will cause more delays, if anything. If you are stuck, I would suggest creating a post asking for help at the official Google Business Profile forum.
Do not submit another reinstatement. Doing more than one will cause more delays, if anything. If you are stuck, I would suggest creating a post asking for help at the official Google Business Profile forum.
Do not submit another reinstatement. Doing more than one will cause more delays, if anything. If you are stuck, I would suggest creating a post asking for help at the official Google Business Profile forum.

Thanks for the reply @Colan Nielsen! After a long fought month or two the listing finally got reinstated. They said it was the phone number (we were using a CallRail number). So after submitting all kinds of documents. photos and a video, changing the phone number resulted in reinstatement.

That being said, it's been almost two weeks and I can't find the GBP anywhere in the search results. Not even on page 3, 4, 5 etc (there are only 5 pages for this category in this city). Is my listing being blacklisted from showing up in search or will it just take time to get listed in the organic local search results again?

If I google the business name exactly, the profile does come up. Also, when I login to the profile it says there is nothing wrong with it and the profile strength says "good" with the green circle.

Thanks for any help in advance!
What is the business name and what is the keyword that you are searching? And what is the search location that you were searching from?
Freitas Family Therapy, Inc. The keyword is family therapy san diego. I was searching from canada but have been using a VPN and bright local and have seen them in a few results here and there. Seems like some days they are showing up on page 5-10 and others not at all. Are they on a blacklist or something because of the suspension? thanks again for your reply.
Did you have any reviews before the suspension? Here are a few things I would focus on to help with rankings.
  1. Most businesses ranking for therapy san diego use Psychotherapist as the primary GBP category. Have you ever used that one as the primary category?
  2. Some other secondary categories to consider adding:
    1. Family counselor
  3. Gather a minimum of ten Google reviews
  4. Optimize the homepage title tag with your main services

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