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Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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New Google Place Actions Pilot: Dynamic Local Schema for Appointments & Reservations


Often, but not always, when Google does a pilot program the test turns into something.
So I think this might be worth noting for ideas about where Google is likely heading.

It's all about Place Actions which Google describes in documentation below.

"Place actions are an important entry point on Google Search and Maps for users to directly engage with local businesses by enabling users to place orders, make appointments and complete reservations."

I reported back in August about <a href="">Google Partnering with Demandforce to Test Appointment Scheduling Right in the SERPs</a>. This new pilot is designed as a limited test wht the goal to open it up to other companies in the future.

Here is info by Aaron Bradley from SEO Skeptic about the new pilot program.

<a href="">Google Using for Local Business Information</a>

This is also the first time they've explicitly tied the use of such data to the generation of a dynamic feature in the search engine results, namely a local business Knowledge Panel that shows business information and, if applicable, links to a page or app where customers can place an order or make a reservation...

Indeed, Place Actions requires the business provide the core data described on the Local Business Information page, information that the Place Actions Page refers to as data that "disambiguates the business."

Place Actions allows businesses to provide information that allows "users to directly engage with local businesses by enabling users to place orders, make appointments and complete reservations."

Official Google Documentation:

<a href="">Provide Local Business Information ?|? Structured Data ?|? Google Developers</a> - "We are currently piloting this feature with a restricted set of initial data providers. We hope to soon open up the feature so any provider who implements spec-compliant markup is eligible to participate."

<a href="">Place Actions ?|? Structured Data ?|? Google Developers</a> - "Place actions are an important entry point on Google Search and Maps for users to directly engage with local businesses by enabling users to place orders, make appointments and complete reservations."

I had planned to report on this earlier in the month when Barry Schwartz from Search Engine Roundtable 1st reported. But a couple days later when I was ready to write the story, Google 404'ed pages above with the documention & Barry posted: <a href="">Google Place Actions Documentation Removed Again</a>.
Which kind of killed my story. :rolleyes: LOL.

But now Google put the information back online. So thanks Aaron for reporting on it!


Re: New Google Place Actions Pilot: Dynamic Local Schema for Appointments & Reservati

I think this is great for users and marketing professionals. I think this is long overdue for Google considering they are all about the user experience. I wonder if they'll provide any analysis in the GMB dashboard once this gets rolled out.

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