More threads by Linda Buquet


If it's through the old dashboard, and the pages appear to be a merged g+/places page, then you'll need to use the social dashboard. The previous SEO most likely did the merge before Google started rolling out the automatic upgrade, and so the wires are all screwed up under the hood :p

Log into the social dashboard and update that way. The other way you can try to do this is from the front end by adding photos as a user. You'll still be able to geo-target, but it might not be as effective as going through the back-end dashboard.

Give that a shot and let us know how it goes.
Hi Eric, great to see you here ;D

I agree that the last SEO must have merged. When I login on the social side there is no option to delete when browsing the photos.

The new images I uploaded 2 days ago are now live. I used Geosetter to geotag before uploading but when viewing the images it does not have any location data. Do I just need to wait a little longer as the images only just went live? Is there a delay while Google 'indexes' the location data? (BTW, there is no option to add location data to these photos within G+).

@Jo Shaer - Is this similar to what you are seeing?

I use Flickr to tag my photos. My question is, does the go tag remain attached to the image file once I've downloaded it and then uploaded it onto my website?

After download I check the image info on my macbook and it has no geo metadata attached from what i can tell. I even ran it through a data analyzer tool.

I feel I am wasting time by downloading then uploading images to my site under the presumption that the tag does not travel.

While not knowing if the tag will travel with the file I have also simply embed the photo which links out to the Flickr profile image. By doing this at a controlled rate (not to send out to many outbound links) I would think this could be a good way to correlate the site with the geotagged image. Any thoughts?

I will say that one of my best local search term organic performing pages does have a embedded Flickr image.
I use Flickr to tag my photos. My question is, does the go tag remain attached to the image file once I've downloaded it and then uploaded it onto my website?

After download I check the image info on my macbook and it has no geo metadata attached from what i can tell. I even ran it through a data analyzer tool.

I feel I am wasting time by downloading then uploading images to my site under the presumption that the tag does not travel.

While not knowing if the tag will travel with the file I have also simply embed the photo which links out to the Flickr profile image. By doing this at a controlled rate (not to send out to many outbound links) I would think this could be a good way to correlate the site with the geotagged image. Any thoughts?

I will say that one of my best local search term organic performing pages does have a embedded Flickr image.

While the flickr idea may work for tagging and embedding for a while... They just terminated my account for violation of thier use pollice. No commercial activity allowed.

This is a real bummer, as I do believe that the ability to embed and link out to key term rich flicker photo albums was providing noticeable results.

My second option will be to create a photo album in google photos, geotag the album, save all the pictures with geo specific titles, and then attach the link to the website image.

Right now they dont seem to offer any embedding, or the ability to add tags on photos. However as an experiment will be hashtagging the key terms within a comment on every photo i upload and test to see if i can get any rank movement.

Any Thoughts...Think I"m wasting my time?

Has anyone else heard been spammed from Flickr?
This is the last thread I could find on Geo Tagging.

I have read that Google removes the tags when uploaded.

I have seen where Google had their tool, but I don't see it.

What is the latest on Geo-Tagging? Is anyone still doing that and if so seeing a benefit?

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