More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
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I noticed a new top contributor on the forum that I've never seen before and isn't listed in Vanessa's post. Is there a list somewhere of all the top contributors?
They have not added any new Places TCs that I'm aware of. The only ones are in that list that's linked to at the top of the forum.

I'm thinking what you might be seeing is a G+ Business TC? The G+ Business forum merged into the Business forum so we inherited some of their TCs that are strong on G+ but still learning the Places side of things. The only one that's really very active is Kaleh. Is that who you are seeing? She's been trying to help with some of the G+ merge issues but is also active over in the G+ Discuss forum. There are a couple other G+ TCs but I don't see them post much.
Yeah it was Kaleh :) I also saw a new Google Employee that I've never seen before on that thread too - Dasha.
Yes Dasha is very active behind the scenes and works on several projects. She's been in some of the Hangouts Google has had for the TCs too. Very sharp! She just keeps kind of a low public profile.

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