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Apr 3, 2020
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We pulled the trigger and set up an Organization within GMB to more easily manager all of our growing locations. I followed the the localu Guide and was able to find and request access through the new organization account. However there are a couple of listings that do not appear when I search through the organization account.

I went into the GMB using the non organization email and I attempted to add as a user the Organization ID as a Manager. When I do so I get an error message that says "Invitation Failed (Role Not Allowed). My only other role I can give is Owner and per the guide, we don't want to do that.

So I can't request access because we can't find it, and adding the organization as a user isn't working. Anyone else had this issue able to offer some tips?

Side Note - I removed all other users who had access except for my gmail, thinking it might be because some users had domain emails. That didn't do anything though.
It might just be a matter of time before the listings appear. Sometimes there can be a delay.
I see one, but when I click it it asks me to reinput the business name and address and all that.... And the granting access by inputting the Organization ID still is giving me that role not allowed error. Tips on best way to get Google support on this, where itll actually get read by a human and not keep kicking me through help articles? ty!

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