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Well we took a hit. Last two days had the lowest aggregate total of organic google search traffic to the site for this year. All other sources of traffic look fine.

Its no mystery. We plugged in a lot of cheap crappy free directory links with anchor text years ago. We have added other links. There is no doubt though that a lot of the anchor text links are now valued as worthless by google and with panda 2.0 they have expanded their ability to discern a level of link based manipulation that used to work.

I still see the PAC rankings as a combination of citation and link strength and will work on substantial link opportunities. Its definitely always been out of the box creative work that has mostly borne fruit for the smb's we spend time on. The SMB's don't normally have content that attracts links but we have found ways to develop value laden links in the past with other smbs.

The site has had very strong pac rankings for key phrases, and separate organic rankings. The site, by any measure or analytical basis on which I've checked has a far more complete listing of citations that can push up the rankings. Regardless the PAC is subject to combinations of organic and citation(local) measurements and the PAC took a hit.

Besides working on the strict seo work we follow revenues into the smbs and work to create more value with revenues, not simply reports on strict seo type data.

At the bottom line for services wherein the sales price usually requires some additional interaction beyond simply filling out contact forms...we work to turn those leads into sales.

Still curious if other smb sites got hit by this version of Panda and to what do they attribute the hit???
Anyone else seeing localized/keyword pages ranking as they were, but now having the site's root domain ranking equally as high? Due to the holiday weekend, I haven't pulled all client ranks yet, but in a quick look at a half dozen clients, I'm now seeing this for 5 of 6. The order of which ranks higher is occasionally switched.
Anyone else seeing localized/keyword pages ranking as they were, but now having the site's root domain ranking equally as high? Due to the holiday weekend, I haven't pulled all client ranks yet, but in a quick look at a half dozen clients, I'm now seeing this for 5 of 6. The order of which ranks higher is occasionally switched.

Hi Tony,

I was going to work on a post maybe for Tues when folks get back about more local pages showing up in organic in general, sort of a Venice 2 update, but not sure if that's related to what you are referring to.

Are you saying 2 listings for same site on page one? Are you saying one page in the pack and one in organic? Is it a blended algo or the old pack style algo you are looking at? Can you share a couple examples?
My apologies, Linda. I veered from the 7 Pack and was referring to pure organic results.

For example, pre-algo update...

[keyword][location] yielded an organic rank of #3 for the keyword/location-specific page of, where the root domain was page 3 or 4.


rank #3:
rank #4:

So, in a very limited sample pool, it seems that the root domain has seen a jump in authority. When I return to work on Tuesday, I'll see if it's a widespread occurrence.
My apologies, Linda. I veered from the 7 Pack and was referring to pure organic results.

For example, pre-algo update...

[keyword][location] yielded an organic rank of #3 for the keyword/location-specific page of, where the root domain was page 3 or 4.


rank #3:
rank #4:

So, in a very limited sample pool, it seems that the root domain has seen a jump in authority. When I return to work on Tuesday, I'll see if it's a widespread occurrence.

I have noticed this too with some of my clients. SOME not all. Going to try to figure out what's the cause.
You know, before we all start wringing our hands about dropping traffic and bemoaning Penguins and Pandas, we should also remember that it's a holiday weekend in both the UK and US and that the sun seems to be out here... Maybe people just are not searching like they did last week?
I haven't had a chance to read all the responses yet, but one of my clients got smacked hard by Penguin. They were in the top 3 in local, now down in page 3 of organic.

Unfortunately, this same client gets upset when he's not number 1 in the search results.
You know, before we all start wringing our hands about dropping traffic and bemoaning Penguins and Pandas, we should also remember that it's a holiday weekend in both the UK and US and that the sun seems to be out here... Maybe people just are not searching like they did last week?
Re: the traffic, a year-over-year look at analytics will give pretty good insight in to holiday search volume and patterns. Multi-page rank drops aren't due to holiday traffic dips.

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