More threads by Scott Barnett

Feb 16, 2015
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Hi all,

I just literally got off the phone with a phone scammer and wanted to know if there's any way to report what happened. I got a call (to my Google Voice line of all places) and it was an automated voice prompt saying that I have issues with my Google My Business listing and that if I'm the owner or run Marketing that I should select Option 1. I did this and then got connected to a gentlemen who referenced a fictitious website (he mentioned it so fast I had to ask him to spell it - even spelling it he was slurring letters) - I told him that wasn't my website, and he asked me if this was a business phone #. I said yes. He asked me if this was my business. I said yes. Then he asked if it was a new business and I said yes. So he says "AH, That's what it is - you aren't listed properly because you are new! We can help with that." So, I said "What company do you work for" and he said LLH. I asked him if they have a website and he said yes. I asked what it is, and he said "well, what is the name of your business?" and I said, you go first, give me your website and then I'll give you my info. And then he hung up.

Caller ID showed the number came from 732-455-1460 - I realize this is likely meaningless, but of course it is the same area code as my number, likely to prompt answers.

This is likely going to wind up with me just venting, but wanted to see if anybody else has experienced this and how to report folks like this.
Thanks - I did know it was a scam from the beginning and that Google does not do these things. I'd like to be able to report the folks that are though - I knew there wasn't likely a way to do that, but I felt better venting :)
Its kind of laughable if you actually know whats going on, but I feel bad for the people that get scammed. At least you get the word out. Thanks..
You took the words out of my mouth. I was enjoying stringing him along, wondering how far I could get before he'd hang up. But the small business owners we talk to really have no idea and are scared out of their minds - stuff like this plays to their worst fears. I'd like nothing more than to squash these bandits!
I know, it sucks Scott.

But it gets much worse than that. MANY literally say your listing is about to be deleted. And many say they are with Google.

Sounds like you maybe missed the scam call I recorded? It's hilarious. Like you, I totally strung him along.

He said my listing would be deleted if I did not pay them to "reboost" it.

And when I questioned if he was really with Google, he said "Yes, I'm sitting at my Google desk right now!"

<a href="">Google "Places" Scammer - Caught in Lies on Tape!</a>
Yours was so much better than mine. My guy knew to hang up pretty early on :)

You say in your post you were going to contact Google Local folks to see what could be done. Did anything come of that?
Yes I did report to management directly. Seems they can't really do much about these scam companies.

We did eventually get them to do a post at the Google forum to let people know about the scam calls, since we get so many complaints from SMBs thinking it's really Google hounding them.

So if you ever get a client complaining Google is calling them all the time, or Google called and was rude - you could point to that post.

FYI, on vaca, so may not be able to reply again til I get back 7/6.

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