More threads by Cordell Crowley

Oct 17, 2018
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So, one my clients has an issue where they are wanting old 360 Streetview photos of the interior of their business removed from the Google Maps page. Link to their listing: here

They've got a whole 360 experience from a Google Trusted Photographer of the inside of the shop from way back in 2010, but it is now outdated and they're wanting to get it removed. How does one go about doing this? I didn't know if it would be as simple as contacting their support team or if we would need to contact whoever did the actual interior streetview, or if a new one would need to be done to replace it or what. First time I've personally run into this, so looking for advice on how to proceed.
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That's what we ended up doing after talking with phone support a week or so ago. They're still not removed, but I'll give it a couple more weeks since I know how slow they can be.

Have you had any luck with removing streetviews in this way?
We acquire locations with 360 photos occasionally and getting them removed is always a bit of a task. I've found there's no real trick to it, it's just about persistence in reporting the image at least once a week until it vanishes, same as with other photos.

@Cordell Crowley: What reporting option are you using when you report the 360? If you're not already doing it, I'd recommend using the "Other" option and saying that it's out of date and doesn't reflect the current interior.
@Annika Neudecker Yep, that's the one we've been using. I've talked to GMB Chat Support a couple of times as well and they keep telling me they will "escalate it to their specialist team" but I've seen no change as of yet. Just waiting patiently and contacting them/re-reporting it once every 7-10 days.
Well it took roughly 5-6 weeks, but the 360 photos have now been removed after the most recent "escalation" by chat support. I guess it may have just been one of those "try until you get the right Google rep" situations.

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