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Jul 21, 2014
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Replied to some stupid chain email, ended up getting my Google account disabled, got back on, now all my GMB listings are 'Suspended' but showing live on maps. Not sure how this happened, but it must be related to my email address being temporarily disabled, and me being the primary owner of these listings.

Has this happened to anyone else before? How should I go about remeding this? Let time pass, or reinstate every single listing?! Mind you these are legitmate businesses, not spam listings. Real businesses with real locations, suspended but showing in Maps still.
it must be related to my email address being temporarily disabled, and me being the primary owner of these listings.

That sounds correct based on the way you described it. You may need to re-claim the listings into a new account since it sounds like the account is flagged.
If they are all unverified but live on maps, yes.
So instead of reinstating, we have to reverify them with postcards? Wouldn't reinstating be easier?

What if I add another user on my gsuite as Primary Owner?
Right, since the listings themselves are still live, it indicates that the locations/listings themselves are not the issue. Rather, it's likely an account issue as you alluded to. So you have two approaches, you can go through GMB support via the reinstatement form, or you can start the process of re-verifying them in a new account. I can't say for certain which way will be most effective since it varies case by case.
have a similar issue to this, wondering though, is google even processing reinstatement requests during the covid19 freeze?

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