More threads by sarmcl


Jul 7, 2017
Reaction score
Hi everyone

I have a bulk verified GMB dashboard for a client with about 180 locations. We noticed we are no longer getting notifications via email for reviews. Any idea why?? The box is checked to receive them. We are not the primary owner of the account but an owner. I am not sure if only the primary gets the alerts OR did GMB stop alerting us entirely?
@sarmcl Unfortunately GMB changed their notification policy about a year back. They will not longer send you notifications if you have a bulk verified account with over 100 locations (an there is no way to re-enable). Obviously this is a horrible change for large businesses who want to monitor and reply to reviews. There is no way to view aggregate reviews at the account level within the interface. Basically goes against google's best practice guidelines of interacting and responding to customer reviews, so it's a bit ridiculous that they removed the feature.

You can build an API that will allow you to "extract" reviews and post replies if you have the technical resources to build something like that.

Otherwise there are platforms such as gatherup (formerly get5stars) that specialize in review management with their API and interface that allows you to receive notifications and respond within their platform.
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Hey Guys! I did figure out a workaround to this that takes about 10 minutes to set up and included it in my training last month. The training is not free but is the primary sponsor of this forum and helps keep it alive so I'd invite you all to check it out :)
Hey @JoyHawkins! Just found this thread as I'm having this issue. Tried to buy your training by that landing page looks like it's discontinued. Anywhere else I can read about the strategy you figured out to get around the notification limit for reviews?
Yep - I'll just post it here.

  1. Sign up for a new Gmail and call it something like so you’ll remember what it’s for.
  2. Go into Gmail and edit the settings to have that email forward all emails to whoever you want to get the notifications.
  3. Go into the GMB dashboard and (if you haven’t already), create location groups and make sure no location group has more than 100 listings in it. This part is crucial because if you let it get over 100, this strategy will stop working.
  4. Edit the settings for the location group and add the new Gmail you set up as user.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the other location groups. Make sure you do not add the same email to multiple groups unless the total listings is under 100.
Yep - I'll just post it here.

  1. Sign up for a new Gmail and call it something like so you’ll remember what it’s for.
  2. Go into Gmail and edit the settings to have that email forward all emails to whoever you want to get the notifications.
  3. Go into the GMB dashboard and (if you haven’t already), create location groups and make sure no location group has more than 100 listings in it. This part is crucial because if you let it get over 100, this strategy will stop working.
  4. Edit the settings for the location group and add the new Gmail you set up as user.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the other location groups. Make sure you do not add the same email to multiple groups unless the total listings is under 100.
Ah, that makes sense! Thanks Joy. As always, you are most helpful!

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