More threads by Rich Owings

Rich Owings

Local Search Expert
LocalU Member
Apr 21, 2014
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I've got a service area business client with a hidden address. They are a walking tour company and they have an office, but their tours don't depart from there and it is not open to the public. But they are moving their office. When I go into GMB, the only option I see is to add an address customers can visit. How do I handle this?
So here is the rub. I have successfully added an address, then cleared it and then reverified with no problem. However, others that have tried this got stuck in a suspended it is not 100% reliable.

The Google word is there is no need to move an SAB at this time if you do not need to. Although, rankings are dependent partially on the verified address.

So how far are they moving?
Thanks @BenFisher. Great info! They are only moving a few blocks, but their old location is closer to hotels and areas frequented by tourists, so I suspect they would be better off keeping it as is.
@BenFisher What happens when a new business takes over his old address though? His is currently one of many businesses occupying a building. But the building is going to be renovated as a hotel. Will that confuse Google in the future, having a back end address that matches that of a hotel?
That is a valid question, but I would err on the side of caution and not move the address. Or, roll the dice, and try it. The worst thing that can happen is a suspension or getting stuck in pending.
I agree with not moving it, especially in this case. I suspect the renovation will take at least a year, so I'm going to recommend waiting. Knowing how fast GMB changes, I'm thinking there is a good chance they will handle this differently in the next year or so!

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