More threads by beisbol16


Mar 26, 2022
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When setting up google ads negative keywords for my pressure washing company, would you consider “pressure washer” a negative keyword?

I don’t want to capture people who are looking to buy pressure washers, but I obviously want to capture people who type things like “pressure washers near me”

Any tips on this?
"pressure washer" and "pressure washers" on their own as an exact match, yes I'd put that in a negative list.

I would think that most people searching would add "company" or "service" to the end of it.

It's always worth experimenting, but I would lean more toward adding it to negative keywords.
"pressure washer" and "pressure washers" on their own as an exact match, yes I'd put that in a negative list.

I would think that most people searching would add "company" or "service" to the end of it.

It's always worth experimenting, but I would lean more toward adding it to negative keywords.
When in doubt, try it out: if you google "pressure washer" you'll see nothing but pressure washers for sale, not services who do pressure washing. That means google expects that kw to be someone searching for a machine. So yes, neg kw.

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