More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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<img src="’s-build-their-backinks-633x276.png" alt="How do Local SEO’s build their links?">​

BrightLocal did another one of their awesome surveys and the results are in.

<a href="">How do Local SEO's build their links?</a>

The importance of links, even today, should not be under-estimated, either in Organic or Local Search results. Referencing the Local Search Ranking Factors, link signals account for 18.3% of local ranking factors (covering inbound anchor text, linking domain authority, linking domain quantity, etc.).

So, in our latest weekly poll we wanted to find out which tactics are most commonly used by Local SEOs.

We asked one simple question:

Which of these tactics do you utilize for the purpose of growing backlinks?"

Head over to check out the results.

What do you think?
What's your fav way to EARN links???

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Getting some negative feedback on my G+ post about this.

Sorry, I guess I should read before sharing. Just thought it would be of interest, didn't really dig in.
Coming from BL thought it would be good.

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Click above to read comments.
See newer comments with Tyson supporting the post and then me agreeing with Ty.

I said:

Thanks +Tyson Downs. I was running into a webinar earlier so didn't even have time to read it after +Jim Rudnick's comment, which I was surprised by because BL is usually good. And you are right Ty. They survery all the major ways folks DO build links, but on all the questionable methods explain why you should NOT do it that way. So now that I've had a chance to read, I'm with Ty on this.
I agree: there's not much wrong with the post itself. If anything, it's an expose of local SEOs and how lazy and shortsighted most of them are.

It's also telling that 31% of people surveyed think citation-building is a worthwhile way to get links.

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