More threads by Linda Buquet

Thanks so much Kate.

I have pretty bad scoliosis too, and my neck is called critical. If I move wrong or fell and tweaked it wrong, I've been told I could be paralyzed.

My neck is a big part of my arm and wrist problems, due to pinched nerves I think.

I don't do Yoga, but should. Off to watch that video now. :)
I just backed this Lean Chair concept on Kickstarter... getting a swing arm for my standing desk to work with it. I tried it out on a prototype and it was amazingly comfortable.


Whoa, that's so cool Scott.

Looks like a LazyBoy back. Surprised I didn't think of it. I have so much crazy stuff gerry rigged for ergo.

When I 1st started using my LazyBoy as an office chair, could not get up and down easy or scoot up close to my desk, since it did not have wheels like an office chair.

So I put my LazyBoy on a dolly. Bad idea.

I was doing an SEO phone consult for an Atty. Reached for something.
Tipped over and crashed and screamed the F word on my way down. :mad:
Don't try this at home!
Start really slow with Yoga or you can pull muscles (especially in your neck) too. It can take months to get the range of motion to look like the girl in the video! But it's completely normal to look and feel like a completely incompetent toddler when starting, so just stick with it. You'll be so surprised at the progress you can make in a short period of time!
Here's some insane inspiration

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