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Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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My 7 year old grand daughter had 2 teeth pulled while I was gone by a general Dentist. It was horrific.

So for the next 2, my daughter decided to go to a Pediatric Dentist that came highly recommended by friends. I told Allie how Pediatric Dentists specialize in kids, are more gentle and it would not be quite as scary.

She had 2 more teeth pulled this AM. The "nice" Dentist we were referred to left mid-procedure and another Dentist took over. Allie was crying in pain as kids do and even as we adults do sometimes when we get teeth yanked out.

This Pediatric dentist who SHOULD be good with kids, yelled at her over and over and told her she was being 'ridiculous' and yelled several other things at her that were TOTALLY inappropriate!

Allie is super sweet and very emotionally sensitive. She was totally traumatized not just by the pain but by being yelled at by a stranger just because she was crying due to the pain. (There should have been NO pain either, so that's another problem.)

It was so horrible that the Dental assistant, when she came out had been CRYING, then cried again when she told my daughter everything that happened. So it was not just that a child was saying it was horrible, the assistant that does this all day long was in tears and apologizing because it was such a terrible ordeal.

Poor kid still needs to have 4 more teeth pulled. Think the only way we'll be able to get that done now is to go under full sedation, which carries other risks. But I just don't think she can go through it again, awake and aware.

The Dentist that did it and the Dentist that owns the practice and is ultimately responsible for hiring that little monster have no idea who they are up against!

I know a thing or two about online reviews, and the review echo-system is not big enough for the tirade of negative reviews I'm about to unleash on that practice! :mad:

/end rant
Hate to hear that Linda. I'm sure that dentist will regret the day that she messed with Linda's grand baby. I hope Allie feels better and is not too traumatized by the dentist's inappropriate behavior. I have many different dental clients that I work with and if I ever hear of them treating a child that way, I would more than likely drop them quick. Go get her Linda!
Thanks Scott!

I just recently decided to start taking like 1 Dentist a month on as a client, just to keep my hands in the game to have cases to work on and learn from, so I don't lose touch.

So right before my trip I had a Pediatric Dentist come to me. I kept trying to refer him out and he kept saying he only wanted to work with me - so I took him on. He's just the nicest Dentist, with the most awesome office manager. Beautiful office and they are such a joy to work with! (And it's kinda fun being back in the game with a little hands-on.)

I have a lot of admiration for Dentists and know some really good ones. This one was just not!

But Allie just called and is doing better and even giggled a couple times, so that made me feel a little better. Taking her ice cream after my Chiro appt. :)
Glad to hear she's doing okay. Still upsets me that a dentist, or anyone for that matter, feels the need to be so rude to a child.
Thanks Scott.

She was doing better when I saw her last night and didn't seem traumatized. Seemed the memory of the whole thing was starting fade a little already, maybe due in part to the laughing gas. So at least she was not still devastated.
What a nightmare! I would be horrified and I WOULD let the Dentist KNOW I was upset.
I am so sorry this happened!! It reminded me of a show I watched about pediatric dentists and making SURE the parent always goes back with the child. If they don't allow that......I don't go!

Glad she is doing better NOW but that is not OKAY!
Thanks Marie. Yes I thought it was weird that they would not let my daughter go back with her. I assumed at Pediatric practices they would be more supportive to the child that way and let the Mother in. My daughter pushed it but they don't allow it. Maybe now, we know why in this case!

My daughter and I didn't want to talk about it any more in front of Allie. But we'll be talking today while Allie is in school to decide what she wants to do as far as reporting to Dental board, complaint letter to practice, reviews etc.
So sorry to hear about Allie's ordeal. Don't forget to let the Better Business Bureau know about the ordeal as well if they are a member. But with that lack of professionalism and sympathy for a not just a customer but a child, I doubt they'd pay to put themselves out there on the BBB.

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