More threads by Louis DiGeambea

Nov 30, 2019
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Hello - I have three GMB listings spread throughout the area where I service. I would like to add landing pages for each location. I am looking for best practices and How To's.

Right now, one of the offices has a different phone number - not listed anywhere on site; different phone # shows on GMB.

Embedded map shows all three locations at Footer.

Any help or guide of best way to go about this would be greatly appreciated.

Trying to rank at each location which has proven difficult. My main site (longest standing with most reviews seems to do best for obvious reasons).

Also - Best tool(s) for keyword research as I try to develop landing pages to rank in the areas my business serve? ahrefs, moz, semrush??
Free tools that will do the job?

Thanks in advance.
I would create a new page for each location and include the location in the url, the service and the location in the meta title and the page content. Include address and contact info on each page. Then I would link each GMB to these location pages. Then I would add a locations tab in the menu with a drop down for each location and remove the site wide footer. For keyword tools I like ahrefs but Keywords Everywhere also does a pretty good job for less money.

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