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May 21, 2013
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I need some insight --- tackling a really rough client and stuff keeps coming out of the wood work to trip me up!

I am optimizing one site - a psychologist - in NYC - just working on that one now. Resolving some issues and reviewing NAP and all that. No problems there yet.

The other site is also a Psychologst (husband and wife) - different website but SAME address. They apparently share an office. He is in places she is not.

That is issue #1.

Issue #2 is that he has about 9 other sites that all have the same address listed on them as well. Clearly these were "seo" sites from days gone by.....I am not seeing those in Places though. But his having his street address on those sites hurt him from a local standpoint?

Has Google changed anything recently that will allow 2 different business have a Places page at the same address? I am guessing no - but since I have never dealt with this I figured I would check.

Also, will the street address on all those other websites be an issue?

....ughhhh......and thank you!
Practitioners have always been able to each have their own listing at same address.

Many Dr and atty offices have 10 practitioners and it's a allowed and spelled out right in the guidelines so no worries there. Except that multiple listings for the same practice do compete and will often negatively impact rankings.

Multiple sites are not best practice and can cause Google confusion. But I'm sure client would not want to take them down. Try to minimize NAP on the ones that are not the primary site by putting NAP in a graphic maybe?
Thank you as always! Is it sad I never thought to put the NAP into a graphic? That alone is priceless information! :)

I have been trying to find info about the multiple practioners in same address issue and have not found anything yet - so thank you for clarifying! I am waiting for the day I have $ to get your training.....I so need it! I can't keep up!

Hope you wrist is doing better these days!
I don't think those other websites will hurt for local purposes as long as you consistently use the same domain on all of the citations to his practice. I have seen local businesses rank well, although in smaller markets than NYC, and they had multiple sites.

I do like Linda's idea of using a graphic to be safe though.
The problem I HAVE seen come up with multiple sites is this.

Main site - optimized for all keywords.

Niche sites optimized for indiv services or focused on a more targeted market.

Google algo picks up niche site 3 and replaces it on the G+ L page.

Suddenly business drops for main KW and 2 others and only ranks for niche KW on site 3.

Google support has said: We can't change it. It was done by the algo and since it's also your site we feel it's relevant. If you want a specific site to be tied to your local listing, basically you should only have one site that shows up in search.

So that's why I suggested minimizing the others by obfuscating NAP.

CHECK OUT this screenshot of the message from support about this issue!

<a href="">Warning: Multiple Websites Cause Problems with Google+ Local</a>


Google will no longer remove practitioner listings and it can cause you to lose reviews as well as ranking if you do it wrong.

I wrote up a strategy for dealing with the ranking problem below. All the consultants that have tried it tell me it works well.

Read both in detail in order.

<a href="">Google Places DUPLICATES – Have Doctor, Dentist or Lawyer DUPES? You NEED to Read This</a>

<a href="">Overcoming New Google Places Duplicate Listing Problems for Dentists, Doctors, Attorneys</a>
Thanks guys!

I finally got full access to his Google yesterday....and I am worried. Although his main page right now seems to rank well in places - he has EIGHT other places pages for each of his other websites.

They all have the same NAP on them...... :-(

But in theory then wouldn't that go against everything that Google says they will call a violation?

He ranks in the 7 pack for his main term and then in organic for that term for #4 for the website and places page we want him to rank for.

I do not know how long he has had these other places pages --- but I am afraid to change anything --- but will this come back and bite him at some point?

Would you remove these pages or just leave them for now?
Yep it's a violation. Does not matter if he ranks. It's like speeding. Many get away with it but when you get caught, you get caught.

All those listings are likely merged together which can cause data problems and other issues like not being able to respond to reviews and more.

Plus eventually he can get a message saying your listing is dead and edits won't work because it's a dupe.

So need to delete all the extras from dash.
I kinda knew you were going to say that! Just wanted to make sure my thinking was correct! Thank you Linda!
The problem I HAVE seen come up with multiple sites is this.

Main site - optimized for all keywords.

Niche sites optimized for indiv services or focused on a more targeted market.

Google algo picks up niche site 3 and replaces it on the G+ L page.

Suddenly business drops for main KW and 2 others and only ranks for niche KW on site 3.

Google support has said: We can't change it. It was done by the algo and since it's also your site we feel it's relevant. If you want a specific site to be tied to your local listing, basically you should only have one site that shows up in search.

So that's why I suggested minimizing the others by obfuscating NAP.

CHECK OUT this screenshot of the message from support about this issue!

Warning: Multiple Websites Cause Problems with Google+ Local


Google will no longer remove practitioner listings and it can cause you to lose reviews as well as ranking if you do it wrong.

I wrote up a strategy for dealing with the ranking problem below. All the consultants that have tried it tell me it works well.

Read both in detail in order.

Google Places DUPLICATES ? Have Doctor, Dentist or Lawyer DUPES? You NEED to Read This

Overcoming New Google Places Duplicate Listing Problems for Dentists, Doctors, Attorneys

Thanks for sharing this, great post.

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