More threads by Ccleal11

Jun 4, 2014
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Can you delete location through the bulk import? I believe it deletes the listing but not the location this way. Also, is it best to mark the location as closed or delete it?
How come we are getting an error on the place and when I check the map shows st and the place street? How is the map getting updated?
Sorry so many questions.

Sent from my iPhone
Can you delete location through the bulk import? I believe it deletes the listing but not the location this way. Also, is it best to mark the location as closed or delete it?

Google won't delete or let you delete listings. If you remove from dash they will usually stay live as long as there are any other mentions of the business anywhere. Google feels like if it's mentioned other places and not on Google it looks like they don't have all the current data.

So if closed need to mark it closed. That will pull it out of KW searches so no one will see it unless they specifically search by name. Then they'll see it's closed.

How come we are getting an error on the place and when I check the map shows st and the place street? How is the map getting updated?

Sorry not really sure what you mean. Could you explain in more detail or share a link or screenshot to show us what you mean?
So if other listings are deleted is ok to delete in google?
For example, if you search sears elgin. The listing address appears st but when you hover over the map icon the address shows street fully spelled out.

Sent from my iPhone

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