More threads by Brice Gump

Feb 7, 2014
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Hey everyone,

I am trying to get a clients listing updated for White Pages, but every time I try to edit the listing it only links me to a page to sell Yext.

Is there a way to edit this listing without Yext? Is it fed information by a larger third-party source that I could update?

Thank you

That is a question that I can't answer since I don't deal with citations a lot.

I also moved your post to the Citations section in hopes that more people will see it and hopefully provide some answers for you.
Three options:

#1 - Submit to Infogroup and pray that it gets picked up
#2 - Do a premium distribution with Infogroup and pray that it gets picked up
#3 - Use their contact form to submit your information and *hope* that they don't ignore it.

Yext is slowly but surely eating up the concept of a free local listing.

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