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May 15, 2016
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after searching "garage door repair chandler az " i found out 2 companies (maybe its the same company) in first page using external link to Wikipedia. Do you think is there any SEO benefit to do it?

<cite class="_Rm">
<cite class="_Rm">www.[B]garagedoorrepair[/B]</cite>
Not sure the Wiki link is a benefit, BUT exact match domains like that have a huge advantage in the Local algo. Plus the business name in GMB appears to be KW stuffed - so those 2 combined might be a lot of the ranking power, unfortunately.
I've seen a number of experts I trust claim that linking out has positive correlation with rankings. Here's a recent study I remember seeing to help back that up.

That said, in this case I think Linda's right that it's other factors that have gotten them position. At best, linking out is a smaller factor, and Google's not stupid. No one's going to be served by clicking on those wikipedia links, so in practice I don't think it would provide them much benefit.
I still use a link out to HIGH value sites for seo purposes.

Yes, James is right, linking out to the right sites can be beneficial.
But I didn't say linking out wasn't. I said I doubt that one Wiki link is what made the diff.

But linking out to local points of interest in the city and industry resources like Dental Assoc and Dental resources (if a Dentist for example) have some benefit. Not sure they would directly move the needle per se, if that's all you had going for you - but they do provide relevant contextual info that helps users and helps Google understand what your site is about.

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