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Jul 18, 2012
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Anyone using this?

Level of success?

If not using it (and previously did or decided against), reasons for not using?
Running Google Ads with Location Settings properly set up is a form of geo fencing. If you are using any of Google's Smart Bidding strategies, then geo fencing is automatically taken care for you without having to set up your Location Settings.
Running Google Ads with Location Settings properly set up is a form of geo fencing. If you are using any of Google's Smart Bidding strategies, then geo fencing is automatically taken care for you without having to set up your Location Settings.
Yes. What I was looking for though is ANY evidence (I've yet to see any) that a service promoted as "geofencing" is working. (besides of course Google Ads, Local SEO, etc...)

I have one Client who has asked several times about this and I've even jumped on a call with a company within the same niche (but different city) who claimed they are getting amazing results from the "geofencing campaign" their marketing company is running. Yet, they were unable to show any stats nor get the marketing company to provide anything in writing..

Examples of the type geofencing they are claiming is working would be similar to Starbucks & Dunkin in this article (Geofencing Examples: 5 Examples of Geofencing Done Right). However, they are a service based business and we have yet to see this used effectively for local service businesses (outside of the 3 additional examples in the article).

Assuming due to the lack of responses that there are not many successful campaigns being run (or maybe the additional info provided here better explains :cool: and someone can share where they've had success in helping local service Clients get steady stream of Quality Leads using "geofencing")
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Same Joy.

We're always open to new ways to help Clients. And we're ALWAYS learning.

However, this one hasn't passed the sniff test for a looonnnggg time for me.

I know of several local businesses who pay monthly for this - and have yet to see ANY Solid data to prove ROI.

Had a Client who believed in it so much they told me they wanted to pay for 12 months. I called them last month after not cashing September's check and refunded August's check - after 4 months, TONS of Impressions but zero Conversions. If we can't track it and prove ROI, I don't like it!!

Thanks for weighing in! Good to hear we're not alone in not hearing of successful campaigns for this "Service".

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