More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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Today Google announced that the New Google Maps is coming out of preview mode.

That means it will become the default map engine.

Sure hope Classic maps does not bite the dust.

The new maps does not work well on several levels for those of us in the local search business.

1) Duplicate listing research and discovery is much harder!

2) IMPORTANT - top ranking listings can get TOTALLY HIDDEN on new maps. See the 1st link below.

3) Map Embed Issues - As the consultant's who have taken my training have learned, the map embed code is different with New Maps and is not as advantageous for Local SEO. So I recommend using Classic Maps for embedding client maps.

4)Lack of Ranking List - Plus another big issue for consumers (and us) is there is no list of businesses right in the sidebar so you can't see at a glance how listings rank. Plus with new maps, even if you know to click to "see more results" the ranking order there is often totally different than in classic maps. However recently Google did start to show a list of 3 businesses on the map search card - so getting in that 3 pack should be a new goal. (See link below.)

I encourage all my consultants to either keep one browser with Classic maps OR what I do in Chrome is have both bookmarked so I don't have to revert back and forth in the software. I suggest bookmarking Classic in case the option to revert back goes away.

Here is the direct link to Classic Maps. Bookmark it so when you are converted to New Maps you'll have it in case it no longer lets you revert back.

IMPORTANT POSTS (Things that will impact Local Search once this change happens)

BIGGIE: Hidden Listings, Local Ranking & Algo Changes with the New Google Maps
(Be sure to view the screen shots!)

NEW Google Maps Embed Code Sucks for Local SEO - Here is Why

4 Critical Google Maps Changes that will Impact Local Search

Duplicate Listings and the New Google Maps

Google Maps Update - Shifts the Rankings, Impacts Local SEO

New Google Maps - The Pros Discuss Ramifications for Local SEO

Google Maps Sprouts a 3 Pack and More YAY!

Post from Search Engine Land today: New Google Maps Comes Out Of Preview Today
Oh no! Not sure if I like not having the option to switch between the two anymore. Definitely going to make it harder on us without good ol' classic.

Off to bookmark the Classic page right now!
Sorry if anyone just read the post, please read again. I just added a lot of important links to other posts about various issues that will become more prominent now.

Scott I'm not sure the option to revert to Classic will go away. Only suggesting it's possible and to grab the book mark just in case.

But even if it still gives you the option it's cumbersome to keep switching back and forth, because there are SOME things, (only a few) that I like to use New Maps for.

So with both bookmarked right in my browser bar I just click whichever one I need to use, depending on the type of research I'm trying to do.
Thank you for the heads up on this, Linda.

My gut tells me the option to switch back to classic maps will be around for at least a while still.
Yecch. It's no secret I hate the new Maps. It's so slow, too.

Thanks for the heads-up, Linda.
Another thing I noticed is you can't search using phone numbers using the new maps which was helpful when searching for additional listings. And maybe you already mentioned that in one of your linked posts.
Thanks so much Robin. Yes true and yes yuck! No phone search, which was mentioned in the Google dupe thread above, but never hurts to mention again because sometimes people skim and miss stuff.
You mentioned no listing view, but I can see a listing view after you search for something, there is a small list icon "List all Results" Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 9.20.11 PM.png at the bottom left of the result card.

You can also view listings at this url assuming you add in your keywords where mentioned below

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 9.20.11 PM.png
I'm still able to access the "old" maps by being logged out. Is that not working for everybody?
Thank you Linda for the direct link and Chris for the other link - that works too.

Does the .ca stand for Canada or is that not important in the scheme of things?
Yah the .ca is just for Canada but I was able to access it using .com as well.

If you are logged in and see the new Maps, down at the bottom left of the Map is an icon with ? in it. You can click that and return to the classic maps as well. Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 11.13.24 PM.png

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 11.13.24 PM.png
You mentioned no listing view, but I can see a listing view after you search for something, there is a small list icon "List all Results" at the bottom left of the result card.

Yes I know. What I said is "there is no list of businesses right in the sidebar so you can't see at a glance how listings rank". Meaning there is is no ranking list on the maps page itself just a bunch of dots. Also as I show in the hidden listings post, #1 and other top listings can be buried under other dots on the map, so your clients you worked so hard to rank that DO rank high can be virtually invisible.

But as I noted in one of the posts I link to above there are 3 listings on the card now, so better than it was. So the goal should be to try to get your client "card ranked".

Yep I know where the list view is - it's at the very bottom. Not sure how many consumers will notice it on the busy card and make that extra click.
Yep I know where the list view is - it's at the very bottom. Not sure how many consumers will notice it on the busy card and make that extra click.
What just baffles me is how anti-user friendly the new Maps is. You would think that with the amount of testing that big G does that the traditional list view with info on maps would win out against an all out Map with dots and little cards in the upper left hand corner of the page.
These new maps really suck. I really hope this is just an experiment by the big G and not a direction they are really looking to go.

Although, it would make adwords almost necessary to get seen locally...

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