More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
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At our next event I'm presenting on a study that we'll be releasing later this year that shows what we found about the state of spam on Google Maps after analyzing 5,306 listings in 16 different industries. I'm curious to hear from you guys - what industries have you found that show reporting spam to Google is still effective? Which industries do you find a waste of time?
I think the big question is .... why does it take sooo long and if your spam report requires the smallest iota of nuance to it, they won't see the spam.

Rant over, time for my two cents:

Still Worth While:

  • Personal Trainers / Gyms
  • Adult Industry

Not Worth While:

  • Education / Training Centres
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Taxi
  • Wellness / Coaching
@timcapper for the ones that aren't worthwhile, any specifics as to why?
At our next event I'm presenting on a study that we'll be releasing later this year that shows what we found about the state of spam on Google Maps after analyzing 5,306 listings in 16 different industries. I'm curious to hear from you guys - what industries have you found that show reporting spam to Google is still effective? Which industries do you find a waste of time?

I work in the self-storage industry. I'm seeing increased spam listings in most of our locations across the west coast. In regard to reporting it, we probably have a 75% success rate. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why they approve or don't approve the suggestion.
I work in the self-storage industry. I'm seeing increased spam listings in most of our locations across the west coast. In regard to reporting it, we probably have a 75% success rate. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why they approve or don't approve the suggestion.
What kind of spam are you seeing? Keyword stuffing? I'm assuming you can't really have a fake listing for a storage rental since you'd need to actually show up there.
@timcapper for the ones that aren't worthwhile, any specifics as to why?

The volume is not necessarily a problem.

They all have a veneer of legitimacy / professional and as in my original comment, the time taken to compile and then ignored = not a great return on the energy.

Taxis = Google in the UK does not look at legislation regarding (Hackney Carriages vs Private Hire) big difference but not to Google.
In my experience, reporting name spam (specifically in the legal industry) is not worth the time as about 70% of them just revert right back in a matter of days. If you just keep reporting them, I feel like at some point Google stops reviewing the redressals for the spammy listings and lets them be. Businesses using residential addresses in the home services industries do not get suspended unless there are other violations as well. I’ve had success in reporting fake/lead gen listings in the locksmith industry.

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