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Mar 5, 2020
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As the title suggests I'm looking for a good reporting tool for Local SEO.

I have had a look at Google Data Studio and I like the look of it but I just want to see if there are any other reporting tools people use.

I would like to either generate a report each month or provide a dashboard.

Thanks for any help you can give me :)
Hey again Jacky! I've plugged the BrightLocal name before and I'm going to do it again ;).

In all seriousness, it depends how in-depth you need your reports to be, but one of our tool's main features is providing comprehensive local rankings reports. Plus, we've got a few new exciting features in the works (although I can't say much more than that...)

As I mentioned before, you can use our free trial with no commitment to see if it works for you, so there's nothing lost either way.

Always here for a chat if you'd like to discuss in more detail but good luck with your search!
Hey again Jacky! I've plugged the BrightLocal name before and I'm going to do it again ;).

In all seriousness, it depends how in-depth you need your reports to be, but one of our tool's main features is providing comprehensive local rankings reports. Plus, we've got a few new exciting features in the works (although I can't say much more than that...)

As I mentioned before, you can use our free trial with no commitment to see if it works for you, so there's nothing lost either way.

Always here for a chat if you'd like to discuss in more detail but good luck with your search!

Hi Stephanie,

I am always happy to hear suggestions and I have been looking at BrightLocal as a solution so your input is more then welcome. I wasn't aware of the scope of services that BrightLocal offer, I have a demo tonight @ 10pm :( unfortunately living in Australia makes it hard to set up these demos at a decent hour. Out of interest has BrightLocal ever looked to create a posting service for GMB & Facebook? I find that there is a lot of demand for those services but not many reputable businesses offer it.
Hey, glad to hear you've got a demo booked in! I definitely feel your pain on the time difference issue. We're always trying to make more reasonable time slots available so please know we're bearing things like this in mind!

We have considered incorporating GMB posting features but our main priority right now is providing users with the most accurate data possible in their reports. I'll certainly pass this feedback on to our Product team though for future feature updates :D
Hi Jackycham,

It depends what reports you try to show your clients. Local SEO can include local ranking and backlinks/NAP, traffic to the site etc.

Our agency uses SE Ranking. We switched from aHrefs as they were getting pricey. We are very satisfied with SE Ranking and definitely recommend them! The software is intuitive, easy to navigate and definitely user friendly.

With SE Ranking, you can automatically send clients reports on the ranking status, traffic or backlinks. With white label option, a client can login to their dashboard and check the stats himself.

SE Ranking is new to the market and they are working hard to provide lots of tools for us to use. The newest feature they have added recently is called Business Listings. It's a list of URLs for local citations. It is not the same as Whitespark where you can search for citations but a list of URLs they deem great for citations. I think they will expand on this in the future and help with citation building. If you use Yext, you'll notice that many of the URLs are the same.

You can also connect with Google Analytics and Google Search Console for more accurate reporting.

My favorite tool to win over a potential client is the On-page SEO checker.

A list of tools is attached in the screenshot.

SE Ranking Tools.PNG

This screenshot shows an option your client can view in their report. What he have checked is the basic information.

SE Ranking user sections access.PNG

I hope I was able to help you.

I love seranking's keyword tracking, but they don't integrate google my business insights. have you found a workaround for his?

As the title suggests I'm looking for a good reporting tool for Local SEO.

I have had a look at Google Data Studio and I like the look of it but I just want to see if there are any other reporting tools people use.

I would like to either generate a report each month or provide a dashboard.

Thanks for any help you can give me :)

Hi! I use BrightLocal and just recently downloaded this thing from The Blueprint Training that pulls data in to GDS.

I also purchased their SEO Monthly report.

I like GDS for regularly reporting as it pulls in from multiple sources. I use BrightLocal for projects and research.
Hi @Jackycham,
There is a long list of tools, But we know everyone's requirements are different. I will suggest you prepare a list of required KPIs which you want to track then it will be easy for you to select the tool.

Disclaimer - I am offering a GMB Management tool in which we allow the user to select their own KPIs and design their own dashboard, We support more than 30 KPIs to select from it helps the user to track required KPIs in an easy way.

Surprised LocalFalcon wasn't mentioned, would love to know if there are any integrations other than Placesscouts that helps to automate these reports. Love the visualization and believe the location-based reporting is more important than ever before...

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