More threads by Jo Shaer

Jul 27, 2012
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Client has just received this message from Support

After some review it appears that your listing is not an eligible business type for Google Maps. Reason:

? Only businesses that make in-person contact with customers qualify for a Google Places listing.
Problem 1 - Client has 3 different listings under 3 different accounts which could be tidied up and 80 citations for the address and phone number but 3 different names.

Problem 2 - client is an SAB working out of home providing mainly online support to people but sometimes clients do come to visit. Of course, client had committed the usual sin of saying that clients could come to the address.

So I could just try to tidy up the listings, resubmit and hope they change their mind.

Two questions

1. In this new G+ Local world, has anyone received this message, tidied the listing and had the decision reversed?

2. If we admit that we are out of luck and give up here but go create an ordinary Google+ Business page so can still interact on G+ as the business, will these 3 rogue listings be able to come back and bite us in some way?
Sounds like Google's main concern is being an online business. Client's site would need to help convince them they see clients in person and address would need to be hidden. Local NAP, hours, a big sign on home page saying "If you are located in X city, let's meet so I can review your needs." Something obvious like that.

Can't have 3 claimed listings. Can't just tidy up, need to delete 2 of them.

1) Not sure if can get it reversed

2) If 2 are deleted and one is still in dash but DEAD/suspended/or deleted by Google, should not affect things if you create a G+ Business page. But that page of course won't show up in search.
Thanks Linda. Sorry, meant delete two of them as part of the tidy up :)

Yup, no search as such, but at least it will show as part of knowledge graph for the business name and allow client to interact on Google+ as business.

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